Hi all,
The first flight of Dragons has been repulsed, however, a second assault has begun!
Maladore (Dragon LE)

The Dragon Maladore is a filthy snake-like creature who's stench is as dangerous as it's foul rotting toothed bite. Such a horrible beast is shunned by it's own, prouder kind, and in fact Maladore rarely flies upon his ragged wings, preferring to hunt his prey in the dirt and has no breath weapon besides extreme halitosis, which is actually pretty effective at stunning his next victim...
Recommended Level : 115+
Gonji the Ever Ill (Dragon LE)

Few Dragons repulse as much as Gonji the Ever Ill. None really knows what happened to this Dragon but some suspect he may have been cursed. He can barely fly upon his tattered wings now and his pox riddled body is covered in pustules and unhealthy scales. His breath is no longer a roaring flame and now he can only vomit up a foul sickness, so full of illness it is instant painful death to anyone it touches.
Recommended Level : 415+
Von Drakken (Dragon LE)

One of the worlds most feared Dragons, Von Drakken is a terror of the night skies. Von Drakken is said to have been bitten by an ancient and powerful vampire in the dark past. The dark curse of vampirism turned him into nocturnal blood drinking fiend. For such a large Dragon to drink his fill of blood he is said to find other large beasts to feed on, that or entire villages...
Recommended Level : 770+
Styran the Ogomie (Dragon LE)

Styran the Ogomie is of a unique species of Dragon, one that is semi aquatic and rather than breathing fire they breath out a thick bubbly foam. They use this foam to suffocate and drown their victims and also as a deterrent to any trouble making Dragons as the foam is remarkably effective at extinguishing the fire most other Dragons exhale leaving them at the mercy of sharp claws and teeth.
Recommended Level : 1025+
Ooch Mess (Dragon LE)

Ooch Mess is a Seadrake from the Heilan Island. Natives say his home was in the deepest part of the Whisky Sea, something the flame haired locals jokingly say attests to Ooch Mess angry temperament. Ooch Mess is known for his attacks on ships at sea and coastal raids where he doesn't just eat the people he also drinks their taverns and holds dry, before drunkenly swimming off into the depths.
Recommended Level : 1350+
Slibz and Tyronus (Dragon LE)

The great double headed Dragon Slibz and Tyronus draw their powers from the two elements of water and fire. Slibz the water half can blast freezing ice at foes and Tyronus can draw upon the more traditional dragon power of fire. Such a mix of powers shows in their personalities and both halves often bicker and fight, however they are an excellent team when a potential meal presents itself...
Recommended Level : 1800+
Bellathrognis the Deceiver (Dragon LE)

Bellathrognis the Deceiver is a massive dragon but does not destroy through his vast physical power. Far, far too boring! No, Bellathrognis much prefers using the power of his mind to bewitch, confuse and control "lesser creatures". He does this to further his plans and also to keep himself amused, usually at the expense of his poor, squishy victims.
Recommended Level : 2250+
Selachi Waterbourne (Dragon LE)

Selachi Waterbourne is named so for he has adapted to deep water living remarkably! His body is streamlined and the scales of his skin are smaller, rougher and closely resembles sharkskin. His head in particular has a sharks aspect to it, right down to the dead, soulless black eyes! His wings appear to have split and become huge membranous paddles, with which he powers himself though the water and surf.
Recommended Level : 2725+
Antarius the Vital (Dragon LE)

Antarius the Vital is a dragon of nature. Fast, full of life and utterly, utterly lethal. With a hide that looks somewhat like bark and patches of scales that look like leaves, he blends in with the forests he prefers to live in.
Recommended Level : 3175+
Tantibus Immortuos (Dragon LE)

Tantibus Immortuos is a dragon of darkest nightmare. This shadowy monster is swathed in darkness and exudes madness, infecting all right thinking creatures, driving them into the utter depths of insanity! It takes heroes of the sternest mettle to take on this horror. Will you step up to the challenge?
Recommended Level : 3625+
Apephis Chaos Serpent (Dragon LE)

The great Chaos Serpent, Apephis, is a water dragon which is more serpentine than classically draconic. Sinuous and snake-like, he lurks under the surface of water, waiting for prey. When a suitable victim presents itself, the creature surges out of the water, it's flint like head protecting it from attack!
Recommended Level : 4075+
Silicathus (Dragon LE)

Silicathus is a nomadic dragon. It travels across the vast deserts of the realms, burrowing through the sand. Due to the inherent magical nature of dragons, Silicathus' serpentine hide has taken on the hard, course nature of the sand through which it travels as well as it's hue. This makes it extremely difficult for the caravans and nomadic tribes upon which it preys to guard against. A distant rumble can be followed with the explosive eruption of this beast bursting from the previously safe sands, resulting in death, destruction and despair for any lucky enough to survive.
Recommended Level : 4525+
Parf the Snowy (Dragon LE)

Parf the Snowy is a devious creature. Dragons rarely feel the need to be ambush predators but that's exactly what Parf is. She loves nothing more than to bury herself in snow, near travel routes. Then, as unsuspecting prey travels past, she explodes from the snow, wreaking bloody havoc.
Recommended Level : 4975+
Lune of the White Moon (Dragon LE)

A lunar dragon that was once sealed within the White Moon. They are both the sibling and sworn enemy of Nox of the Dark Moon.
Recommended Level : 5425+
These creatures shall be causing trouble in the Realms until 15:00 hours on the 10th of January, 2025.
~ The Fallen Sword team