Hi all,
With the second wave of Dragons defeated and driven off, you'd think you could lower your guard. Not so! A third flight of vindictive, vicious Dragosn have taken wing!
Lakota (Dragon LE)

The Dragon Lakota is much sought after by monster and treasure hunters alike, not just in an attempt to kill this legendary drake but to steal the even more legendary gold eggs it lays deep in its lair. Few have ever retrieved one of these eggs from Lakotas nest as survived the dragon's wrath.<br>Those who have have lived rich lives indeed.
Recommended Level : 225+
Volim the Cuelebre (Dragon LE)

Volim the Cuelebre harks form a magical species of Dragon able to blow out gusts of magic. Volims breath causes those who inhale it to fall in love. She is often sought by the brave(and the lonely) so that they may attempt to capture some of her breath for their own needs. However Volims uses her breath also as a weapon, causing he prey to fall for her and thus it makes them more than an easy meal...
Recommended Level : 535+
Ni Hong (Dragon LE)

Ni Hong is a master of the skies, a magical dragon that flies through the air in a blur of colour and silver scales. Ni Hong is not an evil being and his knowledge in magic is legendary and many seek out his council. However he is very aloof and sees most humans as nothing but stupid ground dwelling animals or snacks so approaching him is always a risk. Best hope he's in the mood for visitors...
Recommended Level : 845+
Old Puntalis (Dragon LE)

Old Puntalis is an ancient Dragon, and possibly one of the first. He became gradually more and more disillusioned with the world around him and retreated into the depths of a dark and forgotten swamp where he remains to this day. Old Puntalis has become one with the swamp over time and it is said that he controls the whole swamp around him. It is dangerous to seek him out, for if his jaws don't get you the trees will...
Recommended Level : 1120+
Pontius the Magic Dragon (Dragon LE)

Pontius was once all powerful wizard and respected for his potions. However an accident occurred with his newest potion. The concoction should have given him the power of a Dragon but was transformed him into one! He retained his magical abilities and personality but also gained the strength, appearance and taste for flesh of a Dragon. Now he searches the world for a cure, and a meal...
Recommended Level : 1500+
The ScissorNose Serpent (Dragon LE)

The ScissorNose Serpent is a large, fire breathing beast with the most peculiar name. The creatures nose flows out from the top of the mouth and bottom of the chin and have been found to be preternaturally sharp! This cruel Dragon is known for capturing knights alive and using his odd nose to snip the unfortunate victim apart!
Recommended Level : 1950+
Ying Rainmaker (Dragon LE)

Ying Rainmaker is a vast serpentine dragon. He claims to have celestial origins though not everyone believes this. He is known to be capricious which is a dangerous quality to have in a being who controls rain! He has been known to fly into the sky and turn sunny days into torrential rainfall but also to stop storms that are causing massive flooding, saving lives. It can be quite a challenge to know how he'll react on any given day!
Recommended Level : 2430+
Longgui The Turtle Dragon (Dragon LE)

Longgui The Turtle Dragon is a warrior, first and foremost. Driven by righteous courage, this Dragon is powerful, vastly armoured and always looking for other mighty warriors to test his abilities against!
Recommended Level : 2875+
Spinasentis (Dragon LE)

The huge, thorny spined Spinasentis is armored behemoth. A bad tempered, heavily armored monster, he is a fearsome foe for all whom cross his path! Many are his victims! Some of the unfortunate casualties are still impaled on the smaller spines.
Recommended Level : 3325+
Harragog Darkfire (Dragon LE)

Harragog Darkfire is an evil, soulless monster, wreathed in the black fire from which he earned his name. He rouses at this time of year specifically to fly through the air, raining fire and destruction down on the insects below!
Recommended Level : 3775+
Oppenkin the Corrupt (Dragon LE)

Oppenkin the Corrupt was originally a dragon of luck and serendipity. The kind-hearted and wise creature has since been twisted and transformed by the shroud energies of the Shadow Lord. Oppenkin is now a harbinger of ill fortune and despair!
Recommended Level : 4225+
Bufodae the Toad Dragon (Dragon LE)

Bufodae the Toad Dragon is a vast, corpulent monster. It lives in swamps where the water can help support its monstrous bunk. For all the appearance of a sloth, it is extremely fast, propelling itself along through great leaps, powered by vastly powerful hind legs. Even if you can outrun the beast, it can launch its sticky tongue to envelop and reel in its prey, to be swallowed in a single, huge gulp!
Recommended Level : 4675+
Wallowing Wyrm (Dragon LE)

In the gloomy depths of an isolated loch, this wyrm waits for the next visitor to its misty domain. Legends tell of bountiful treasures at the bottom of such lochs, but none have lived with any in hand. Quietly and patiently, the Wallowing Wyrm will drag its victims to the fathomless deep with nary a sound.
Recommended Level : 5125+
Thalmhainn (Dragon LE) (NEW!)

Long ago, Thalmhainn fought a dragon slayer for three days. In one final attempt to slay the dragon, the knight drove her greatsword into Thalmhainn's back but succumbed to her wounds before she could deliver a killing blow. The greatsword remains, becoming one with the dragon itself, and many adventurers mistake a sword trapped in stone as an ancient treasure.
Recommended Level : 5575+
This third and final flight of dragons will be causing trouble until 15:00 hours on the 13th of January, 2025.
~ The Fallen Sword team.