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Member Since 31 Oct 2012
Online Last Active Today, 16:37

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In Topic: GRP Update!

05 February 2024 - 13:45

I assume the GRP was consumed?


In Topic: GRP Update!

01 February 2024 - 20:03

 from last post about discussion was only one person 'fugrnugget' expressed his feedback to increase in pack for this. No one else supported this. I do not see even you asking for increase in fortune packs price increase. 


I'm the first comment and the last(update right after)


Because it is always the same people contributing for future contents, I still encourage everyone to at least try to ask their guild members to join the forums and give their comments because it is always the same passionate players. 

In Topic: GRP Update!

01 February 2024 - 16:21

Why the huge hike on fortune packs? At that cost guilds need to be (very) large to make the packs worthwhile. 
Yes, I am from a very small guild so may be a little biased, but why price so many guilds and players out of the market? 
Perhaps 40/80 or 50/100 for fortune packs C/D  would be more reasonable. To be fair 20/25 (from previous discussion posts) did seem a bit of a gift.


I feel the same. Why so exorbitant prices for the fortune packs? Obviously it would never be worthy unless you have a huge active guild with high stamina and only during double XP events. 
I would like you guys to consider reduce prices to what it was initially proposed 20/25 RP. Or bit higher to 40/50. 
Thank You

I haven't seen any of you contribute to the feedback thread since it was opened and it's still open. Now that the update is released, you now have opinions? Invite the members of your guild to the forums and participate in the discussions.

In Topic: Proposed RP Packs.

01 February 2024 - 11:16

Thanks for the update!

Why not add a new exclusive enchantment cap increase for temporal shift and remove teleport from Titan Pack?

In Topic: Proposed RP Packs.

17 January 2024 - 07:09

make the fsp from the sale guild bound so cant be spent by single player


after all it is guild vrs guild ,why get an item that can be sold by 1 person 


There are two types of payouts for GvG participants.
1. You get compensated after the RP item is sold and is shared amongst all participants; the guild also gets a portion for the initiation charges.
2. You are rewarded per conflict completion.
Most guilds choose number 2 because it is easier to keep track of everything. Option 2 does not entitle you to any RP compensation if you are already paid per conflict.


make the item guild bound  lev 1 +7 epic ,thay way anyone in guild can wear it 


This would be a major loss to the guild if the item is bound.


this is not the discussion for it.

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