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Member Since 29 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2015 20:48

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Dragon kill did not count towards achievement

21 December 2013 - 18:52

mmm actually i've only 2 kill (1 from nooby lvl 6 quest and 1 from world boss) but we killed shade 3 times (so it counted only once) and we was always in a 5 man group, cant be range issue, im the tank so just under it, well is weird indeed

In Topic: Vanity Wardobe/Closet - For storage of (Bound) vanity items

21 December 2013 - 03:36

mongo after first week of eldevin live : i dont give a crap of vanity


mongo now : does this topic


:(  give me back my old mongo!


anyway i up the idea aswell  :ph34r:

In Topic: Bugged loot TR.

18 December 2013 - 17:45

Having done 32 full TR runs over the last 24 hours I'm fairly certain the first bosses loot in TR is bugged.


Out of 32 runs we've received the 4 set pieces that where 3 Heavy armour gloves and 1 Heavy armour boots from the first boss.

Apart from that we've received no other items apart from 1 random Fair crystal and the chance for a remnant. This again is from the first boss. 

The other 2 boss loot tables seem fine, though slightly limited, however perhaps we've still not had a chance to go through all the table, an example of this is the last boss, the only heroics it has dropped are 1 handed fist weapons and a + melee throwing weapon. 


No other set pieces have dropped from either the 2nd or third boss and i'm un-sure if this is intentional. 


This is not a whine, this is not me asking for loot tables I like that there is a small % to get really good items. I will say however that the fact we've only received 4 Tier pieces and they've all been heavy seems a tad strange and perhaps the medium melee/range and light are bugged.


Perhaps everything is working as intended, and if this is the case then that is another topic for discussion. 

the drop is quite weird indeed, you have all other istances with at least glove / boots drop for all set, in TR seems only heavy and on a real low % (by only the 1st boss aswell, most of the time he simply avoid to drop anything aside a gem which make it even more weird then usual)


should be looked into for sure

In Topic: Quest : Removing Infestation (38)

11 December 2013 - 15:59

lol and i roamed whole map like a tard for 1h to be sure :P thanks XD

In Topic: Your 5 most wanted things to add to Eldevin

09 December 2013 - 17:07

1) Alt+1 Alt+2 Alt+3 (and so on) added as default keybind for 2nd quickbar

2) a third quickbar (to use with mouse click till we dont have key bindings)

3) improve past lvl 20 experience system (grind the hell out of ur ass for half a level is not fun for most people), the lack of ANYTHING to do group side between garai/secluded and temple of three is bad aswell (aka there is a huge lack of a lvl 30 istance)

4) a report button system in game to report bot and bad behavior

5) guess what ? keybindings customizable

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