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Member Since 20 Mar 2013
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#976560 LV 50 armor/wepons (if it be lv 50)

Posted by Kendiosa on 11 February 2017 - 14:36

And I don't want to do dungeons without you, Kid :)

Wow Just get a room you two!! 😍

#951264 Quest "Freshly Delivered"

Posted by Kendiosa on 16 October 2015 - 11:46

If you haven't destroyed the spoiled fish you won't get the item replaced.

But more importantly RUN RUN RUN next time...

The youth of today, always dawdling around the place...

#948993 lower exp on story mode

Posted by Kendiosa on 17 September 2015 - 22:13

I think the problem is as Kid stated. By the time you have the set from running story mode you have missed anything and everything from the intermediate levels and you are pretty much ready to start running the next solo dungeon.
I was one of the players calling for a story mode xp nerf (which happened) as it just removes the need for any actual gameplay outside of the same dungeon over and over.
However I still think there needs to be more.... perhaps something like once you reach the 2nd level above a dungeon you receive no xp at all for solo mode (thus still allowing 1 level above dungeon level for xp gain).

Without this it must seem to new players that the majority of the gameplay is running around on your own in the same dungeon for hours on end until you are ready for the next one.

#948908 Player housing?

Posted by Kendiosa on 16 September 2015 - 20:45

Sharks? With lazer guns? Awesome

#947966 Add the option to keep 1 roll when rerolling a 2 roll item

Posted by Kendiosa on 08 September 2015 - 13:42

Prices/costs/caps change in games all the time due to market conditions or gameplay improvements etc. These should not be retrospectively applied nor should players be refunded; just like no one was refunded gem costs when the 75% cap was introduced. If there is any move to reduce reroll costs then there should be no refunds.
I spent a fair few ep (not 20k mind you) on rerolls and I support the idea of reducing the cost to make it more accessible for all, however I do not expect a refund of what I spent before. I was fully aware of the cost and I chose to spend the ep.
Back to the OP: I like the idea of separate rolls on the 2h weapons. Of course that means more coding for HCS whereas the current system was easy to implement as it just remakes a fresh weapon each time.

#941541 Sort gems properly.

Posted by Kendiosa on 27 July 2015 - 12:07


Gem porn ftw :P

#935846 should a lvl 23 be able to train in darrowvale? :x

Posted by Kendiosa on 17 June 2015 - 09:10

The game is developing AI. It realised you are too op for normal areas so decided to give you a challenge...
  • KeS likes this

#935112 Issue covered.

Posted by Kendiosa on 09 June 2015 - 17:36

Damnit. That's twice I've looked here now
  • KeS likes this

#932706 Careful Unslotting Gems and Rerolling Infernal Weps

Posted by Kendiosa on 16 May 2015 - 11:09

Managed to get a teleport to the reroll cave for Infernal Weps. I unslotted my 9% Ruby and rerolled straight after. I went from +34 Crit to +296 Haste. I then went to slot my 9% Ruby and it wasn't there. I was not charged 50EP either for the unslot.

I've submitted a ticket but guys be careful for future reference.

Sounds like the Unslot didnt work for whatever reason.

And anyway you should be able to leave gems im weapons to reroll. An extra ep charge to reroll is most unwelcome

#932705 Buff Jasper, Tourmaline, Turquoise and Aquamarine severely

Posted by Kendiosa on 16 May 2015 - 10:48

Currently Health and Mana (Jasper and Turquoise) gems can be socketed into weapons, shields and all armor pieces, (allowing up to 8 to be equipped by a player) we feel this can provide a significant boost to both health and mana pools, and moving forward gear may come with more sockets.

But nobody will ever do this. The hp gain is negligible compared to the damage reduction of the def gems. You will effectively be 1hit killed in lots of end level dungeons if you are not the tank. Now that there is the 75% cap I could see some tanks using one of these gems if they were worthwhile but a max. 500hp gain at glorius when you have 18k hp already is pointless.

If you add more gem slots I still don't see these gems being used unlesss they are restricted to hp/mp slots.

#927330 [Suggestion] Vanity Set Bonuses.

Posted by Kendiosa on 07 April 2015 - 11:08

CHICKENS! :ph34r:

Agreed. Only "Chickens!" Should give stat boost

#913426 option for 3 spell bars

Posted by Kendiosa on 03 January 2015 - 22:45

You can do that actually. I have my 2nd bar as Shift+1,2,3 etc... Just go to the hotkey tab in settings. It's in there. ;)

Ah yes thanks. I tried the numpad and it didn't work. Guess either the game or the laptop thinks they are the same key.

I'll try the shift trick instead but I'd rather use one key not combos

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