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Member Since 27 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 10 2015 17:34

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Old Arena Issuse

21 April 2015 - 07:56

Seriously, a L.3353 Arena :huh: !?

In Topic: Sneak Preview: Teleport Skill

09 April 2015 - 18:04

How many times can you teleport when the skill gets activated? Does it work like Shield Imp, you cast the skill and then have, for example, 6 teleports available? This would become very expensive for titan hunting and does prevent the worries of previous posts, but would be great when walking the realms and you want to do teleport to quickly cross a realm.

In Topic: Old Arena Issuse

08 April 2015 - 15:43

Zorg is maybe on holiday, still searching for eggs :)?

The last couple of newly spawned arenas included L.2912, L.3045, and L.3121. As no new content for leveling has come up to trigger higher Arena levels, somebody of the Cows must have been playing with the Arena buttons....does this mean we get an Arena update :)?

In Topic: Old Arena Issuse

07 April 2015 - 09:28

There's L.3000+ arenas now :huh: ! Not sure how much sense that is making to increase participation. Or is this the hint that there is a huge content update coming B) !


Basically, it doesn't make any sense at all to have arenas which are higher than EoC. Why create them when nobody has equipment for them anyway. I'm pretty sure that nobody from the Cows is putting the upper limit for arena level in manually into the system, so it should be easy enough to program a max.limit related to the highest content level. Currently there is 10 arenas higher than EoC. Keep these within current limits and there is already a lot more available for everybody!

In Topic: Old Arena Issuse

05 April 2015 - 09:27

Wasn't there a thread just 1-2 weeks ago on exactly the same topic with exactly the same responses!?

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