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Member Since 27 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 10 2015 17:34

Topics I've Started

Arena update

19 November 2014 - 21:35

Looks like we had an Arena update :) ! But joining arenas now up to L.2550, I didn't realize I was that far behind in content :o !

server overload to cause a very slow game?

28 August 2014 - 08:41

Since a day or two fs is very slow for me. It happens on different times from different computers (and other sites I visit are doing fine). Last night I couldn't log in for 1-2 hrs at all. Partly it is so slow that I can't be bothered to enter arenas anymore as it just takes too much time! Why is this happening? It can't be because there is too many people online (around 300)!


Does anybody else have these problems?

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