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Member Since 27 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 18 2013 03:08

Posts I've Made

In Topic: how does a kindred elf go 4th tier?

30 October 2013 - 05:39

I have checked sources as always but GOW is no longer active and although gothaguige is, it just does not help provide me with the info I am looking for so I ask in the SB knowing I have a lot of friends here and hope they can help give me direction psycho  clowhttp://i20{img.photobucket.com/albums/b204/BlyssBlack7/TothSig3.jpg/img} ]                                                              ns and crazy clown un asylum2 are now 1 strike kills for me

In Topic: Lair of the Dragon IS Recruiting - feel the luv =)

15 October 2013 - 06:30

and ew beter not find anyone stealing our pumpkin


In Topic: Level cap?

15 October 2013 - 06:20

Don't be a cheapskate and spend the measly 5 bucks a month to be a subscribr and then join a cult that goes hunting together and you can get shared xp. a;so if you quit your whining and bond with someone you can share xp that way as well.By the way would you like some cheese with that whine?


In Topic: how does a kindred elf go 4th tier?

15 October 2013 - 05:24

I meant 5th tier


In Topic: Lair of the Dragon IS Recruiting - feel the luv =)

15 October 2013 - 05:20

I was in the ice caves last night and there ws not a soul out and about


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