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Member Since 17 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2021 05:25

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Proposed Loyalty Update.

05 October 2021 - 05:26


Alchemist Prized Potion. Loyalty:  500
Distil removed.
Brewing Master Level :  500 Duration : 120m

it is good to finally see you releasing more updates but please pay more attention to the content.

you understood and removed distil but you left brewing master?

the level 300 brewing master is more than enough and if you paid attention to the last years forum topics, pvped or gvged then you would have known to not add any potions higher than distil 150 or brewing master 300, they would certainly have a negative impact on the game.

In Topic: Possible Relic Alterations

14 June 2021 - 01:02

"my tiny disorganised guild should get the same perks as the larger/older guilds that have worked hard for years to get where they are!"

you got it mate



you can either do ....


1.) the laziest method


simply add as many Stam Gain relics as you desire & ignore ALL other relic iusses !!!

you can even change ALL relics into "Super" Relics that have FULL +% Stam Gain, Max Stam, Stats, Enhancements


it's a band aid that ignores all other relic issues, gets rid of any competition & teamwork, relic battles, .....



2.) you actually do some work


A ) FIX the current relic battles which are a **** JOKE !!!


enough said, everyone who has ever captured / defended relics knows it !!!

from a low "1-man-guild" (who was a low lvl player himself with 2 low joiners) took 100+ relics without any "issue" to HCS admins kamicazer7 (was at the time lvl 50 or so) & hooftest taking our relic that had 50+ defenders also without any issues

granted most were not in pvp gear but still a lvl 50 beating 50+ defenders were at least half of them were EOC !!!


B ) Make capturing relics a permission !!!


I used to mentor some small guilds & the issue they ran into was that new players would simply capture relics their guild did not need (also happens to other guilds, regardless of size) & they could not get "rid of it" which brings me to my next point ...


C ) Add a "dismiss Relic" option !!!


As said, add a "dismiss Relic" option with a COOLDOWN to avoid abuse !!!


D ) preferred Relic value


Contrary to what many believe it is not Stam Gain Relics that low / new players actually need, as mentioned before: I used to mentor small guilds & what they needed the most was MAX STAM Relics !!!


of course do NOT take my word for it & please make a game poll that ONLY includes low players, NOT high players like me, EOC, afterall the "new relics" are for them !!!


E ) Supply & Demand !!!


I do not think I need to say anymore, just please make sure to NOT add too many & keep them at a decent number so they are still "attractive" / desired, encourage activity, teamwork & relic battles !!!


F ) "Optional" NEW Guild Relic WAR System !!!


Make TEAMWORK actually matter in relic battles & encourage TEAMWORK, please do NOT discourage it !!!



Guild A captures a relic from Guild B

Both Guild A + B will have 12h time to accept / decline "Relic War"

(new relic war permission to accept / decline will be added)

If after 12h no option has been choosen it will automatically count as a decline to avoid abuse !!!

If Guild A declines then they will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic & Guild B will have control of that relic

If Guild A accepts + Guild B declines then then B will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic & Guild A will have control of that relic

If both Guild A + Guild B accept then they will enter a 7-day-Relic-War that looks like this:


Attack Ranges: 

50 - 500 (+/- ??) 

601 - 1000 (+/- 100)    

1001 - 2000+ (+/- 300)

2001 - 3000+ (+/- 500)

3001+ (+/- 1000)

(the attack ranges can be changed by HCS / players who know their ranges better than me)


During those "7-day-Relic-War" both members of Guild A + Guild B will enter a "PvP-War" where they can hourly hit (look above for attack ranges) each other & even bounty each other !!!

they will get their own guild "Bounty-Board" where only Guild A + Guild B can participate in !!!

during the "7-day-Relic-War" time Guild A + Guild B can still capture / defend their relic like normal until the war is over !!!

(it has to be PvP aka xp loss involved, you have to pay a "price" & fight for the relic (bonuses) you get !!! hoof remember how relics were fought for, many guilds, regardless of size battled in PvP for them & generated high activity !!!


I will leave the Scoring System to HCS / the community

both Guild A + Guild B can retreat from the "7-day-Relic-War" at any time BUT it will count as a loss & they will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic !!!


For every additional +1 relic those guilds battle about +1 day will be added to the "7-day-Relic-War"

so if they battle for 4 relics in (1+3) the war will last 10 days in total !!!


to make it even more exciting several guilds can get involved, either helping Guild A / B or even be against both biggrin.png

several guilds can war against each other for 1,2, ... relics or even "support" another guild (so small guilds can tackle a big guild, ....)

it will greatly encourage TEAMWORK, activity + many other things

  • NO guild can be forced against their will / permission to enter the "7-day-Relic-War" to PvP !!!
  • the "7-day-Relic-War" can only start if it has been accepted by someone who has the permission to !!!
  • at any time any guild can "retreat" from the "7-day-Relic-War" & it will be counted as a loss


this is just a "prototyp-system" so it is far from perfect (an EXAMPLE & everything is up for HCS / community to decide) so no need for me to go into details atm

ps: IF point (F) is implemented then it already takes care of point (A)
(+ after implementing strip ALL guilds of ALL relics & let the GAME begin smile.png  !!!)


I will never understand why HCS keep avoiding / discouraging TEAMWORK / competitions !!! best ("worst") example is PvP

I mean are not games generally played to compete?


FS has great potential BUT has been declining for years, no matter how good the app is it will hardly matter when the actual game has many "broken" gamestyles which need to be updated & will struggle to keep the new ones or even the older ones !!!

honestly I have been hardly active for a long time, as have many others I noticed since aside from the 3 repetitiv main events (Global Event, LE Event, Leveling Content) there is nothing else to do since most if not all the other game aspects are "broken" & need to be updated + when I am online I chat which there are many other apps better for chatting than this one ...


others have already said it before, it is NOT that there are not any good ideas / suggestions (the community has provided numerous good ones over the years) but simply the  "communication" with HCS is lacking !!!

to put it bluntly: we simply get some "lip service" without any action ....


I have so much to say but let's 1st wait & see where this leads ...

I can not agree more but


but you can all stop wasting your time, we all know what the cows are going to do



1.) the laziest method


simply add as many Stam Gain relics as you desire & ignore ALL other relic iusses !!!

and the next big update after some years will be composing level 100


if you are lucky they will tell you to discuss some topics, maybe add them to the list and put away

In Topic: Where did these come from ?

08 May 2021 - 20:25

the items are from a global chest


the global event is called Thieves in the Night and there were 2 so far


the reason why biggrim did not release it again might be because me and many did not do this global and the community kill was very low, try looking back in forum the neg reviews or if you remember global chat discussions there

I think the last one the community kill was only silver (worst tier ever achieved), demand was extremely poor


I personally hope we never see this event again, waste of time and stam

In Topic: Composing Update (v3.0.0)

22 March 2021 - 17:47

the whole composing update was not a surprise and showed more how little the admins know of this game and what is really needed, composing was one of the least desired ones 


I am not dissapointed because I had no expectation and knew the update would not fix any of the many bugs we have reported for years or give us an update that most of the community actually wants


when I read in forum that it was a composing update I knew you would increase smashing hammer, the worst skill that many warned you about and you delivered the opposite


4 years and then this update, speechless


I do not know why you did not fix any of the many bugs we kept reporting to you over the years, always the same reply that it will be fixed with the new update which never happens (leader chat, chat notification broken ....)


and this new update broke more things here, look everything connected to logs, too many to count


this is brutal honest feedback, you can either take it or delete it to hide problems

In Topic: Maintenance - 2 hours downtime

22 March 2021 - 15:10

can you please extend the mailboxes? some items are about to expire, we were not informed of any downtime on the news the last days or weeks


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