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Member Since 02 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active May 19 2015 09:09

Topics I've Started

No Loot Roll on Big Bunny Chest?

05 April 2015 - 00:14

Was invited to group, tagged bunny, was made grp leader,  invited 3rd and 4th person.

Killed Bunny.

Chest labeled as "Trilliums Group".

Chest is "opened" by unknown party member.

Chest disappears with no loot roll.

One party member logs off immediately.

No loot for us.



*Edit:  At least this time I got the Achievement =)

"Big Bunny" Achievement Bugged?

04 April 2015 - 19:04

Myself and two others tagged and killed the Big Bunny(not a lesser-goldenegg)in TA last night.  Looted it's treasure.  No Achievement.  What gives?

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