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Member Since 23 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2013 13:36

#828703 Your 5 most wanted things to add to Eldevin

Posted by Mewmew on 10 December 2013 - 12:33

Replies to two posts first, and then my own list will be at the end of this message.


@Malthrus -"Free camera"


Is the game even set up to be able view a free camera if it had one?  I know that a lot of games that limit the view like this, if people alter something to let them have free camera they end up seeing nothing more at all.  They see a cut off world that isn't being rendered past the point they usually can't see on the screen.  There just literally is nothing there.  I never asked or read how this one handles that to know if this one would do that too or would show far into the distance.



@Xandrie - "Female bodies and armor so my character doesn't look like a male!"


Um the females do have female bodies and armor...  Are you sure you didn't make a male by accident?  Our bodies are very feminine, with the full woman shape and curves.  You can see this well through most armor.  And all the armor I've tried on has a specific look for females that is different than when males wear it.  Some have only slight changes and end up taking on the shape of a woman's body, others turn very feminine and different like turning into two pieces and a little bit sexier.




My own list:


1 - Cat suit items in the vanity shop (Ears for head, Tail for chest/back, Paws & Claws for hands)

2 - Personal key binding customization.

3 - Housing with abilities to buy our own farms and farm animals.

4 - WASD Movement.

5 - "Default Action" key on keyboard that we can press and it works the same as when double clicking things with the mouse.


I'd like to see the pet system updated a bit too so they aren't just simply following us around, but I ran out of space :D

#824122 Exotic Hair Colorings / Styles

Posted by Mewmew on 02 December 2013 - 05:52

So the hair styles and colorings you can start with are pretty basic.  That's fine to begin with - but it would be nice to see some more exotic colorings and styles in the Cash Shop at least.


Greens, blues, pink, etc for hair (in different shades, they can be made to look nice they don't need to all be neon or anything).  We have Wings and Football uniforms and stuff in the Cash Shop already so it's not as if everything needs to look 100% serious - so exotic colorings of hair would fit in nicely.


The styles for girls aren't all that varied (I haven't tried guys to see, but I'm guessing they are about the same).  It would be awesome if some extra styles were opened up in the Cash Shop for sale.


The color would be the easiest and quickest to implement and would be a pretty good seller I believe in the Cash Shop.


Are new hair colors already planned to be added in the Cash Shop for later?

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