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Grumpy Grey

Member Since 17 Nov 2018
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2024 18:40

#1010324 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by Spider0007 on 28 January 2024 - 19:07

So to summarize this latest update fiasco.....GvG has needed updating for quite some time. Many players have spent their time, energy and effort providing ways and methods to be able to create a revitalized way to compete in conflicts and make it more interesting, fair, competitive, and enjoyable for players with rewards that can reflect what it actually takes for a guild to be good at guild conflicts and not just farm RP from unsuspecting guilds. 


Instead of any of this being implemented, we get level range changes and an hour delay to start a conflict. That's it. Nothing more nothing less.

 Oh wait, we did get nothing less, because the level ranges that are now currently advertised on the guild conflict page aren't even accurate.  In fact, they are still the old ranges before the update.  Now hopefully HCS knows this already but instead of communicating their mistake to the players, we get this instead:

The in-game value ought to be correct. The new range should always be xx1.

~ Grim


Well BigGrim, they are not correct. They haven't been correct since you updated everyone saying they are correct.  And in the attempt to make this update, it appears other aspects of the game have now been broken.  How do I know this? Easy, it was indicated in Code Update! v3.16 where 6 other aspects of the game were fixed but not the GvG level ranges.  These fixes I noticed included fixing returning player codes. Now this is personally upsetting to me because almost a year ago, Kittles and I wrote multiple tickets about the codes not working and get absolutely ridiculous responses from a developer named Kitkat telling me that investigations are being done and they will get back to me as soon as the issue is resolved, also closing my tickets without resolutions because they "clog" up their inbox. "This ticket has been closed and locked by support." What a joke as I was just trying to inform them of a broken game aspect.  BTW, Kittles, who was a long time player who actually thought about playing with us again, decided not to because he immediately recognized that nothing has changed with this game or this company. 

Anyway, the final statement on the Code Update! v3.16 says "Other reported issues are still being investigated, so please remain patient.

~ The Fallen Sword Team"   Now I can only assume that perhaps the "other reported issues" are that the GVG level ranges are not accurate and that players should be told to hold off on relying on them until some "further investigations" can be done? But we don't even get the common courtesy of that information.  So sorry for the players/guilds who have initiated conflicts only to realize they can't even complete the hits because of the incorrect level ranges.


Instead, we get a 96 hour opportunity to donate money to the game and receive a Glorious Opalescent Chest. 

Now perhaps HCS needs those donations in order to update and fix their game properly and to provide relevant information to the remaining player base when it isn't working properly.  But in the words of Dikembe Mutombo, "Not Today!"

Instead, let's all continue to "remain patient" because why not? Our patience has lasted for years and years already, what's a few more.

RIP Ryebred and many others.



#1010323 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by wazzimoto on 27 January 2024 - 21:59

The in-game value ought to be correct. The new range should always be xx1.


~ Grim

NO.......GvG is broken....started GvG and cant even hit as stated!!  HUGE FAIL on YOUR End!!

#1010222 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by kingkillz on 12 January 2024 - 18:56

+8 GvG epics, have the new currency be heavily throttled so only very few of them can be generated. Probably something that would be rewarded based on a theoretical GvG Ladder reset system.

and if it's a stand alone item, can have it be guild bound as opposed to guild locked

#1010232 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by bloater on 13 January 2024 - 22:46

bad idea for game/economy. Needs to be tradeable, Incentivizes purchasing FSP too.

make the fsp from the sale guild bound so cant be spent by single player


after all it is guild vrs guild ,why get an item that can be sold by 1 person 


make the item guild bound  lev 1 +7 epic ,thay way anyone in guild can wear it 

#1010206 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by EpicPiety on 09 January 2024 - 16:54

With nothing of substance in this update, I have to say I am utterly disappointed. It wouldn't have been that difficult to add some sort of ladder reset to GvG. Don't get it twisted by the number of posts on this thread, many people have lost even the motivation to express their dissatisfaction, I'm surprised I'm even here myself. I can say this with certainty being in two of the largest non HCS discord's where there is nothing but negativity.

Expanding Range and notifications were supposed to compliment a bigger feature update not be the entire "update".

As a long time player I can safely say there is nothing more for me to do in the game. The reason people stop logging in is because there is nothing new for them to do. Without UFSG being fixed I cannot be certain, but based off the supply I've experienced in game it was surely a light xmas, even lighter next year without any substance.

Please consider working on an "Update 2" for GvG that includes a new competitive system.

#1010205 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by Toreth on 09 January 2024 - 15:30



At the same time, I feel like I am as likely to GvG as I was before the update as I am after it. I believed there was... more to come with the Update itself in terms of things changing. Do you have anything else planned in terms of rewards, mechanics, or additional adjustments?


I think this is the biggest takeaway currently. While I know the thread for new RP packs was posted as well, RP packs can also only do so much to drive activity in an area that is nearly void of participation. Sure, there may be some guilds who have been farming RP for a little while in anticipation for this "update," their takeaway is likely going to be "well this amounts to nothing for us."


GvG is supposed to be competitive to some extent, and while the notification system helps that, and the widening of the level ranges helps with getting more targets to potentially improve activity in some regard, the overall sentiment behind ONLY this is that "These are simple Quality of Life changes." There still will be no competitive aspect to GvG given what's been presented here.




What of this? What happened to this portion of the proposal that would have incentivized a good portion of players to at least ATTEMPT GvGing more seriously. Without the attached also being implemented, we are no better off than we were prior to the update - if anything, we may be a little worse off instead given the lack of incentives to continue GvGing that failed to launch with the QoL update.


It's been ~18 months since the original proposal was brought up on the forums, and while I understand some of that time has been waiting for Hoof, the fact that the update here is a mere change in combat level range and a notification to when the conflict has been initiated and will begin is a way to tell the part of the community that enjoys GvGing that they don't matter - that they should go and play other aspects instead as this one no longer exists.

#1010188 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by Subject on 08 January 2024 - 14:05

Not sure what to say TBH I like the range Increase. Not a huge fan of the Hour wait to hit. Maybe 30 minutes… maybe… But it is nice to see someone is looking into GvG though.

#1009282 Unbearable Lag

Posted by sweetlou on 21 April 2023 - 14:28

Please look into the 3-4 second delay. I'm trying to SE hunt and the "Moving..." each square takes many seconds making this activity unplayable. Thank you!

#1009398 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by callmeabc on 22 May 2023 - 20:32


Hi there.


We need you to put in Support tickets:

Is this the App, on Browser or both?
Detail what you are doing in game.
The time and date the slow down occured.
What browser you're using.
What scripts are installed.
Where you are geographically.


We need as much data as you can provide because we're just not seeing it here. I'm not saying it ain't happening, I'm saying whatever is causing it for you is something we're not seeing. We need data from you to know where to look. "It's lagging!" simply is not helpful.


~ Grim


You dont experience the lag like we do because you are on the network - take a labtop to the coffee shop and try playing... 

#1009391 Epic Quests & Legendary Beasts!

Posted by Tilley10 on 22 May 2023 - 03:43

Please see below for all of the Epic quests that we have in the game and their associated rewards. I apologize over the formatting - was not able to add a table.

Quest Name | Quest Level | Number of Stages | Stage Rewards

Signs and Portents | 3 | 4 | 500 Current Stam, Ring of Righteousness, 300 XP, Vespine Viper Amulet Recipe, 550 Current Stamina, +50 Max Stamina and +2 Stamina Gain per Hour.

Present Darkness | 3 | 3 | I have not completed so I don't know.

Eternal Defiance | 4 | 19 | Viper Strike Saber Recipe, Viper Strike Longsword, +550 Current Stamina, +550 Current Stamina, +550 Current Stamina, Serpentine Water Stone Recipe, Pouch of Nepeta Cataria, 1,489 Xp, 1 x Rune of Vanfara, +600 Current Stamina, +50 Max Stamina and +2 Stamina Gain The Ways of Mages 13 19 600 Current Stamina, Krul Dark Iron Key Recipe, 200 Gold and +600 Current Stamina, +600 Current Stamina, Odio Spectral Gloves Recipe, Tarnish Charm Recipe, +600 Current Stamina, +600 Current Stamina, 5,340 Xp, 1 x Note of Admission and +600 Current Stamina.

What's in a Name? | 17 | 2 | 1009 Xp, 1 x Demonic Runic Tablet and +600 Current Stamina.

Quest for the Senses | 20 | 5 | 2,168 XP and Rune of the Senses.

Spirit of Scent | 20 | 2 | 1,826 XP and Rune of Scent.

Spirit of Sight | 20 | 2 | 1,826 XP and Rune of Sight.

Spirit of Sound | 20 | 2 | 1,826 XP and Rune of Sound.

Spirit of Taste | 20 | 2 | 1,826 XP and Rune of Taste.

Wardens Test | 21 | 2 | 1,597 Xp, 1 x Warden Circle Docket and +600 Current Stamina.

Gate of the Abyss | 22 | 33 | 600 Current Stamina, 1 x Crystal Augury, +600 Current Stamina, 1 x Tainted Moon Stone Recipe, 1 x Orb of Grow Recipe, +600 Current Stamina, 1 x Paladir Grove Rune, +600 Current Stamina, 1 x Paladir Elixir Recipe, +600 Current Stamina, 1 x Crown of Iron Recipe, 1 x Signet of Iron, +600 Current Stamina, +600 Current Stamina, +600 Current Stamina, +600 Current Stamina, 1 x Tarkins Belongings, 1 x Amulet of Tarkin Recipe, +650 Current Stamina, +50 Max Stamina and +1 Stamina Gain.

Creature Harmonics | 30 | ? | I have not completed so I don't know.

Blightning of Leghra | 40 | 6 | 8,426 XP and Deathspinner Armor Recipe.

Stone of the Lost | 40 | 2 | 8,426 XP and Deathspinner Shield Recipe Deathspinner Queen Web 40 2 Deathspinner Queen Web.

Ancient Wisdom | 51 | ? | I have not completed so I don't know.

Towards the Answer | 51 | 2 | I have not completed so I don't know.

Chalice of Skulls | 60 | 2 | 19,118 XP and Amulet of Skulls.

Wall of the Ancients | 80 | 5 | 34,130 XP.

Souls of the Red Well | 80 | 2 | Enchanted Red Soul Stone.

Souls of the Blue Well | 80 | 2 | Enchanted Blue Soul Stone Souls of the Black Well 80 2 Enchanted Black Soul Stone.

Forging of the Soul Stones | 80 | 3 | 36,030 XP and Minos War Hammer Recipe.

The Fallen Champion | 80 | 2 | 36,030 XP and Minos Warhammer Haft.

Minotaur of the Lost | 80 | 2 | 36,026 XP and Minos War Helmet .

Element of Air | 100 | 3 | Earth Rune Recipe, Aether Essence, 53,462 XP and Reborn Elemental Air Javelin.

Element of Earth | 300 | 3 | Air Rune Recipe, Aether Essence, 484,382 XP and Reborn Elemental Earth Hammer.

Element of Water | 500 | 3 | Fire Rune Recipe, Aether Essence, 1,347,302 XP and Reborn Elemental Trident of Water.

Element of Fire | 700 | 3 | Water Rune Recipe, Aether Essence, 2,642,222 XP and Reborn Elemental Blade of Fire.

#1009390 Epic Quests & Legendary Beasts!

Posted by winemaker on 21 May 2023 - 20:02

so the end result of the "epic quests" is: You receive 47,228 XpPlease note, you will not be able to advance in this particular Quest until the next Epic Quest arc is released.


 I have not done the quest yet but by the looks of it we get to close 1 quest for another one to stay open for another eternity.  :rolleyes:  

#1009385 Epic Quests & Legendary Beasts!

Posted by Ouiounon on 20 May 2023 - 17:38

I am confused as to how these quests are "Epic"? Maybe because they have many many stages/steps to complete? But, the reward of completing these quests are certainly not "Epic" - they match any other random quest for that specific level. This is very disappointing.


The reward for completing "Epic" quests, especially with the amount of stages needed to complete, needs to also be "Epic". What qualify as an "Epic" reward, you ask? Please see the list below in no particular order.

  • Increase in Stamina Gain per hour (5+)
  • Increase in Max Stamina (5,000+)
  • Increase in Backpack (5+)
  • Increase in Gold Gain per hour (5,000+)
  • Increase in XP Gain per hour (100,000+ or scale based on the current level? (5%+)
  • Increase in Bank Deposits per day (2+)
  • Increase in Max Auctions (5+)
  • Or, a plethora of other options listed on the Character Upgrade page


Please look into correcting this error. As these "Epic" quests are currently, there is zero incentive (except Quest medal progress) to complete these.



Yeah, agreed. These weren't epic quests, they were just, well... quests. With a lot of steps only to get an XP reward less than what I gain in an hour by XP gain.


Come on.

#1009384 Epic Quests & Legendary Beasts!

Posted by Tilley10 on 20 May 2023 - 16:30

Today, we are releasing two Epic Quests:
'Towards the Answer (Epic)'
'Ancient Wisdom (Epic)'
Along with this, there are new Realms, Creatures and Items. This will also allow you to finish the quest 'Present Darkness (Epic)'!

I am confused as to how these quests are "Epic"? Maybe because they have many many stages/steps to complete? But, the reward of completing these quests are certainly not "Epic" - they match any other random quest for that specific level. This is very disappointing.


The reward for completing "Epic" quests, especially with the amount of stages needed to complete, needs to also be "Epic". What qualify as an "Epic" reward, you ask? Please see the list below in no particular order.

  • Increase in Stamina Gain per hour (5+)
  • Increase in Max Stamina (5,000+)
  • Increase in Backpack (5+)
  • Increase in Gold Gain per hour (5,000+)
  • Increase in XP Gain per hour (100,000+ or scale based on the current level? (5%+)
  • Increase in Bank Deposits per day (2+)
  • Increase in Max Auctions (5+)
  • Or, a plethora of other options listed on the Character Upgrade page


Please look into correcting this error. As these "Epic" quests are currently, there is zero incentive (except Quest medal progress) to complete these.

#1009377 Epic Quests & Legendary Beasts!

Posted by sweetlou on 19 May 2023 - 16:50

The only date mentioned above is when the creatures flee on Monday the 22nd. How long will the new and the one old epic quests be available? I only ask because of the following message on USFG:

Epic Failure.JPG

#1009351 Unbearable Lag

Posted by Edith3000 on 14 May 2023 - 03:12

I've been on a break and returned to a worse lag :(

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