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A Basic Strategy for Alliances in Operation New Earth

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#1 FGMinfinity


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Posted 27 September 2024 - 19:28

Operation New Earth Strategy and Formulas
A basic strategy for an alliance.
1st all alliance members should continually upgrade everything; all buildings and research and continually make soldiers/units.
2nd to use the rally system to our advantage:
1. increase deployment size as quickly as possible
2.increase numbers of deployable ships as quickly as possible
3. increase the level of situation rooms at each alliance member's base to level 15 as quickly as possible allowing for the deployment of 800,000 units per rally.
About the rally system.
It seems the rally system is a key part of alliance success from day to day.
This is because 
1. Rallies do not use up deployment slots/deployment ships.
2. Multiple Rallies can be launched by the Alliance at one time.
This allows for targets from level 1 to 4 to be hit by rallies of:
-2 players per rally.
-1 deployment of tier 2 units, per player, for each rally.
Note: Always double check exact enemy unit tiers and numbers since there are variations possible to occur of each type and level of target. For example there are Alien UFO Landing Sites, invaded metropolitan areas, alien bastions, and alien hives. Each variation having unique unit types/tiers and numbers depending on which variation it is.
The Basic Formula is to take the number of enemy units. Double it/multiply it by 2. And only use units in your deployments/the entire deployment of the same tier/attack and defense rating as the highest level/highest tier enemy unit. Do not use any tier other than the tier of the highest enemy tier at the target location or a higher tier than the highest enemy tier. Don't use lower tier units ever at target locations that have higher tier level enemies. Use lower tier units on lower level NPC target locations using rallies or on Solo.
The alliance should have as many rallies going 24/7 as they possibly can. Using tier 2 units, tier 3 units, tier 4 units, tier 5 units, and tier 6 units against corresponding NPC targets using the below breakdowns as a guide. You can apply the above basic formula in the paragraph above this paragraph and apply that to Scavenger Activity, Black Ops Sites, Dark Activity, Hostile Crash Sites, Covert Testing Stations, Downed Dropships and any other Npc target they add to the game in the future.
Alien Activity 1 through 5 requires tier 2 units:
The Breakdown for Alien Activity levels 1 through 5 is:
Alien Activity Level 1- 
1 rally
2 deployments of 2,000 tier 2 units
Alien Activity Level 2-
1 rally
2 deployments of 3,500 tier 2 units
Alien Activity Level 3-
1 rally
2 deployments of 6,250 tier 2 units
Alien Activity Level 4-
1 rally
2 deployments of 10,000 tier 2 units
Alien Activity 5 and 6 requires tier 3 units:
The Breakdown for alien activity 5 and 6 is:
Alien Activity Level 5-
1 rally
2 deployments of 25,000 tier 3 units.
Alien Activity Level 6-
1 rally 
2 deployments of 50,000 tier 3 units
Alien Activity 7 through 9 requires tier 4 units:
The Breakdown for alien activity 7 through 9 is:
Alien Activity Level 7-
invaded metropolitan area
1 rally
5 deployments of 50,000 tier 4 units
Alien Activity Level 8-
invaded metropolitan area
1 rally
6 deployments of 50,000 tier 4 units
Alien Activity Level 9-
Alien Bastion
1 rally
13 deployments of 50,000 tier 4 units
While using the Rally System continually each day;
Individual Alliance Members should also:
1. Gather Resources
2. Level up Heroes by attacking Hero Npc Target Locations
3. Hit individual targets using the Formula Above with their tier 2,3,4,5 and 6 units.
4. Capture Sectors.
1.Trade excess gathered resources with other alliance members.
2.Max out the number of soldiers in the Bunkers.
3.Max out the number of Friendly Stationed soldiers at every Alliance Members Security Station.
4.Max out the number of Soldiers at Outposts.
5.Strategically place Outposts.

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