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Member Since 29 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 08 2020 15:46

#959682 Make mage,proph staff, spell dps

Posted by Unlucker on 23 February 2016 - 14:35

They've made shields so OP, it would be foolish not to use them most of the time. They should buff staves so it increases dps more dramatically. Rangers kind of have that... dual wielding gives you more dps. So they should probably add talent that increases your spell dps when using staves to balance it a little bit.


From D&D point of view the spell casting + shield isn't something new - Cleric class, battlemage or perhaps necromancer  for example, but it always comes with disability to cast certain spells or limited damage.

Ranger + shield on the other hand is kind of nonsense.

#956263 Several changes to make this game popular

Posted by Unlucker on 02 January 2016 - 12:54

Hello devs. There are few things that are making new players confused before they eventually quit. I think you should focus on fixing them first. I've suggested a few things before Steam launch, but changes never happened.


So I was watching some videos and Let's plays on youtube and noticed some guy really confused about why he does low damage to mobs, which were hitting him really hard. For example this video:


My 1. suggestion is:

Remove the DEATH'S DOOR debuff please! Or make it less brutal for new players!

As you can see in the video, that guy wonders why his damage is so low, while he has debuff active the whole time.

2. suggestion:

Make repair vendors more noticable. Put some wrenches or repair hammers over their head, so players can't miss it.

3. suggestion:

Make world chat noticable, in fact maybe rework the whole chat system... Those tabs are really tiny and it takes some time before people even notice that little star flashing in the tiny tab window.


There are more things that could be improved and I hope people will suggest them. Some changes are easy to do and should be not overlooked in my opinion. Or just ignore it if you are happy with current state of the game.

#898157 Game load client and all resources all times after mainteance

Posted by Unlucker on 05 November 2014 - 16:12



We've improved the amount of data you are required to download every update, you should only download the files that have changed in the update. Unfortunately for you they still amount to several hundreds of MB. In the future we may be able to improve this.


Eldevin as a 3D game requires a lot of network traffic. If you are interested you could try one of our 2D mmorpgs like http://www.fallensword.com/ which should use less data.

It's clearly not working.


I'm sorry to say this, but game loadings are getting slower and slower every update. I'm downloading 2nd update today, and it's really slow. I mean c'mon you only changed things in SV and ASV and i have to redownload and reload everything again ?


Downloading client 0-45 kB/s, with 28 people online lol. My internet isn't limited, but my time is. Basicaly another day of my subscribe is wasted because of this.

#895757 Shuffling packs

Posted by Unlucker on 21 October 2014 - 21:55

I hope they will add multi-select option one day ( simply click and drag to select all items in inventory with your mouse ). Shouldn't be that hard to implement.

#890423 Can we have story mode To3?

Posted by Unlucker on 21 September 2014 - 08:32

Yes please, we need to3 and TR solo :) BT/RG/ASV should stay group dungeons though, imo.

#889535 5 Minute Cooldown on Resurrection

Posted by Unlucker on 13 September 2014 - 17:09

In ta you could keep reviving someone and then kill gaining easy kill which was kinda of exploit.

How many freaking things gotta get nerfed because of stupid PVP about which 80% of normal people don't care ?

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