I have already made a ticket about this, but it appears the problem is happening more frequently.
Every day, sometimes twice a day, I cannot access any of the Legacy pages. This downtime lasts anywhere from 2 minutes to 20 minutes.
I get the usual "Page cannot be displayed" message from my browser. I have tried many different browsers, and this is the ONLY website that I cannot access when this "downtime" occurs.
Generally, this happens around midnight every day, but it has been happening more frequently.
I contact other players on Legacy, through 3rd party programs (chat to them on Steam) and the website is not down when I am speaking to them, but I cannot get access.
As I said, I have made a ticket about this, but the problem seems to be escalating, so I wanted to bring more public attention to this.
Do you play Legacy? Do you have this downtime issues as well?