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Level Reset Option (prestige)

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#1 NineToes


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Posted 16 May 2018 - 21:09

So the pitch goes like this, as a way to keep leveling interesting and to help with inflation, I propose a prestige option. At any time you would be allowed to reset your level down to 1, with key requirements and punishment/rewards based on level.


The main benefit would be a merge of all equipped armor (excluding guild tagged items.) and stats into a single random piece of equipment type (ie. boots, amulet).


An example would be a player at Level 504, equipped armor and stat bonuses all summed up equate to 17,000 (roughly) points, these would be divvied up randomly between the five stat classes and all equipped armor would be destroyed and turned into a weapon (randomly chosen) with 3,400 damage, 13,599 attack and 1 health (all randomly chosen). The weapon would be called "*players* weapon" and would be bound and level locked at 504, the players resetting level.


Level 1-999 reset would receive the random equipment, but would lose everything else. All equipment in their backpack, allies/enemies, gold, FSP and upgrades would be lost. The cost is 1,000,000 gold.


Level 1,000-1,999 reset would receive the random equipment, and get to keep upgrades, but still lose all gold, FSP, allies/enemies and equipment in their backpack. The cost is 10,000,000 gold.


Level 2,000-2,999 reset would receive the random equipment, and a choice to A. keep their upgrades and all possessions (excluding the destroyed equipment) OR B. the ability to choose what type of equipment will be created. The cost is 100,000,000 gold.


Level 3,000-3,999 reset would receive the random equipment, all upgrades/possessions (excluding the destroyed equipment), and a choice between A. what type of equipment will be generated OR B. the major stat it will (less than randomly) favor. The cost is 1,000,000,000 gold.


Level 4,000-4,999 reset would receive the random equipment, all upgrades/possessions (excluding the destroyed equipment), and a choice between A. having control over the stats and type of the randomly generated equipment OR B. the ability to lower the items level requirement by 1,000. The cost is 10,000,000,000 gold.


The point of all this is to keep the level cap not so bound, and to recycle resources that are currently becoming inflated.

The gold cost in enormous because all the gold being taken out of the system will increase golds worth, and by extension the gold equivalence of FSP.

Equipment is destroyed to help remove the amount of best-used sets from the system, increasing the demand/supply.

With the level cap becoming not as linear, in creates a better interwoven path of play, helps prevent levels of loss where players become discouraged they can never reach the highest (ever rising) level, and allows players who have risen too high and want to start over without breaking the rules or doing so without benefit.


A penny for your consideration and feedback.

#2 gapukas



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Posted 23 May 2018 - 04:29

sounds horrible

#3 BigGrim


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Posted 23 May 2018 - 14:01

That's not exactly constructive feedback. It's better if you describe what you don't like and why.

~ Grim

#4 BadPenny



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Posted 24 May 2018 - 22:54

Help me to understand, for a gold fee, I voluntarily give up everything I have invested into the game?  Not just XP, but upgrades, gold, gear, FSP?  I'm really sorry but that seems to be counterproductive, and discouraging too.   I'm just not interested in throwing away over 10 years of obsession for a *prestige* item.   Not sure if anyone would.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#5 Mafiosis


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Posted 03 June 2018 - 11:23

I personally don't hate the idea of a reset option. I would prefer it if there was a level cap and you could only reset once you hit that cap instead of just whenever you want. For example limit players to 4,000 levels, once they hit 4,000 they have the option of resetting and starting again or staying where they are but not being able to level up anymore. Basically end the game at 4,000. Once they reset they lose all of their levels and gold on hand (possibly bank too. Or even a gold fee to reset) and the reset/prestige counter on their profile goes up 1 and they receive a special item or potion.


I do agree though that items and upgrades should be kept. Except for possibly max stamina upgrade, although I would still recommend keeping that. Medals could be added for resetting a certain amount of times. It would also be cool to have the option to participate in reset challenges. For example timed runs to the next reset, having to level without the use of a type of item like boots or gloves, possibly even have it so that every 2 or 3 days your character automatically drops a level. Obviously that would all be optional for the player. Just another way to add medals and achievements and keep the game challenging and different every time a player resets.

#6 Xed



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Posted 03 June 2018 - 12:16

Completely agree with BadPenny. I know I wouldn't give up everything I've earned for a Weapon or probably any item for that matter. It takes alot of money/time to get things in this game and the incentive isn't there for me in this one. Good shot though, maybe it could work out in a way but I think it would take a huge update to liven the game up more and I really think HCS will come up with something for us players who have stuck through it all for the amazing fun, friends, and memories this game has provided over the years.



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#7 NineToes


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Posted 05 June 2018 - 19:58

In order,


BadPenny you would keep your upgrades since you are above level 999. the different tiers are to prevent low level spamming. Unfortunately there has been a small rash of high level people zero'ing themselves for no benefit besides wanting to start over, so unfortunately people do want to start over and give up 10 years worth of work with no benefit. Another unfortunate reality is that I am fully aware there's no way to enforce the extra gold /fsp loss, a good guildie will hold everything for you but that does carry with it a risk. You will have to, regardless, give up lots of gold and likely nine pieces of good equipment.


Mafiosis I accept your ideas, I'm not against the level cap, though that would be an option for HCS to consider. I am aware that the equipment/resource loss would hurt, but I want to make sure people have a price to be paid and that the system would not be abused at the lower levels. Regardless however the upgrade loss is only mandatory for levels under 1K to prevent spamming. I personally don't care too much about the medals but your right there should be a medal or prestige counter as a badge of achievement to go along with the loss.


Xed, I accept you wouldn't, I don't know I would ever reset my level either. But I know I've seen people recently reset their levels manually for absolutely no gain. The people who are resetting are very high level, 3000+, those people need an outlet that isn't just attacking every person they see on the way to zero and hoping for a bounty. If you or I ever got that high in level and got bored, wouldn't you want the option to constructively reset?

#8 Anonemesis



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Posted 12 June 2018 - 02:17

There's many mobile games that already have the blueprint laidout where you rebirth and get special currency/skill points to use to upgrade your character/team while keeping everything earned. You'd lose your level but keep everything else. Maybe you get more skill points the higher level you are such as every 100 levels earns you 1 skill point per rebirth for example so if you rebirthed at level 500 you'd get 5 skill points. It doesn't need to be complex or punish the player it should be a neutral feature.

A real achievement system is needed more though mobile/steam has a very large player base of achievement hunters which can be used to help revive the game  

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#9 BadPenny



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Posted 12 June 2018 - 23:19

There's many mobile games that already have the blueprint laidout where you rebirth and get special currency/skill points to use to upgrade your character/team while keeping everything earned. You'd lose your level but keep everything else. Maybe you get more skill points the higher level you are such as every 100 levels earns you 1 skill point per rebirth for example so if you rebirthed at level 500 you'd get 5 skill points. It doesn't need to be complex or punish the player it should be a neutral feature.

A real achievement system is needed more though mobile/steam has a very large player base of achievement hunters which can be used to help revive the game  

I've played some of those mobile games with rebirth.  Almost all were rife with bullies and few are still in existence.  Virtually all of them are autoplay open world games, with little or no customer support.  Player abuse runs rampant, not only in chat, but with the weakest being preyed upon by the strong, who usually get that way by spending more than I make in a year.


FS has a dedicated support staff, albeit  only during business hours.  Most mobile games have very little customer support, if at all, and then only to provide technical assistance.  When issues between players arise, nothing is done outside of telling the offended party to "ignore" the offender.  Here, multis are not tolerated, mobile platform games have more multis than Carter has little pills.  


Call me an old fuddy duddy, but FS is fine in this area.  There could be greater benefit from more regular content updates, maybe some new activities, and hopefully after the app,  we can have these things.  I don't see how a reset/rebirth option would benefit more than a few, and the sacrifices you propose would be devastating to many.



Many that delevel intentionally do so out of boredom, granted, but some merely do so to remain in a specific ladder or GvG range.  This is their choice, and they do suffer penalties, from the reset costs to the possible loss of higher level buffs to less gear options...  Shouldn't that suffice?

Edited by BadPenny, 12 June 2018 - 23:21.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#10 Removed4427



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Posted 13 June 2018 - 01:01

this is an idea whose time has come (maybe). an argument can be made that the energies behind the creative processes in creating new content drops off around level xxxx (no reflection on the creative team of cows. new ideas just dry up after a huge number)


the OP is overly complicated though, IMO


how 'bout some tweaked variation of this:


when you get to the end of content you hit a button ... some confirmation buttons and poof! you're level 1 again


with all your upgrades, skill points, xp contributed, etc


along with some kind of re-incarnation recognition/trophy/medal

Edited by duktayp, 18 June 2018 - 17:32.

#11 fallengerm



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Posted 20 June 2018 - 21:37

I've played some of those mobile games with rebirth.  Almost all were rife with bullies and few are still in existence.  Virtually all of them are autoplay open world games, with little or no customer support.  Player abuse runs rampant, not only in chat, but with the weakest being preyed upon by the strong, who usually get that way by spending more than I make in a year.


FS has a dedicated support staff, albeit  only during business hours.  Most mobile games have very little customer support, if at all, and then only to provide technical assistance.  When issues between players arise, nothing is done outside of telling the offended party to "ignore" the offender.  Here, multis are not tolerated, mobile platform games have more multis than Carter has little pills.  


Call me an old fuddy duddy, but FS is fine in this area.  There could be greater benefit from more regular content updates, maybe some new activities, and hopefully after the app,  we can have these things.  I don't see how a reset/rebirth option would benefit more than a few, and the sacrifices you propose would be devastating to many.



Many that delevel intentionally do so out of boredom, granted, but some merely do so to remain in a specific ladder or GvG range.  This is their choice, and they do suffer penalties, from the reset costs to the possible loss of higher level buffs to less gear options...  Shouldn't that suffice?

I would have to agree with penny. Plus  whowould want to give up almost 11yrs (for those of that have been around that long but i dont think anyone would want to spend the time it took them to get where they are now) of playing this game just to go back to level 1 and loose everything that you have worked for.

Edited by fallengerm, 20 June 2018 - 21:37.

#12 goolsby7



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Posted 12 August 2018 - 23:06

~A couple of things~


First: The OP idea of loosing EVERY upgrade imaginable is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It has already been said by a few, but why would anyone want to essentially waist their upgrades like that?


BadPenny you would keep your upgrades since you are above level 999.


This actually made me laugh a bit. Sure your suggestion lets people of higher level keep their upgrades, but some people have stayed under LV1K for years because that's where they are comfortable. Its about Time Invested. It took me almost 5 years to hit 15k stamina because (A) I was younger, ( B) I did not have income due to that fact, and © I wanted to Earn my way to the higher amounts of stamina. I spent hours and days farming resources for people, making potions myself to sell, and hunting to make the funds i needed for my upgrades. There is no way in heck i would willingly negate all that work. I was only LV 240-something until early-mid last year.


That being said,


You will have to, regardless, give up lots of gold and likely nine pieces of good equipment.


Even if this did get implemented in any way (highly doubtful to be honest), I don't see the cows making you destroy gear that, again, a player has invested time/gold/real money (via purchased FSP) in obtaining. There would be no real incentive for people to prestige simply due to that one thing. 




Level 1-999 reset would receive the random equipment, but would lose everything else. All equipment in their backpack, allies/enemies, gold, FSP and upgrades would be lost. The cost is 1,000,000 gold.


Level 1,000-1,999 reset would receive the random equipment, and get to keep upgrades, but still lose all gold, FSP, allies/enemies and equipment in their backpack. The cost is 10,000,000 gold.


Level 2,000-2,999 reset would receive the random equipment, and a choice to A. keep their upgrades and all possessions (excluding the destroyed equipment) OR B. the ability to choose what type of equipment will be created. The cost is 100,000,000 gold.


Level 3,000-3,999 reset would receive the random equipment, all upgrades/possessions (excluding the destroyed equipment), and a choice between A. what type of equipment will be generated OR B. the major stat it will (less than randomly) favor. The cost is 1,000,000,000 gold.


Level 4,000-4,999 reset would receive the random equipment, all upgrades/possessions (excluding the destroyed equipment), and a choice between A. having control over the stats and type of the randomly generated equipment OR B. the ability to lower the items level requirement by 1,000. The cost is 10,000,000,000 gold.


The point of all this is to keep the level cap not so bound, and to recycle resources that are currently becoming inflated.

The gold cost in enormous because all the gold being taken out of the system will increase golds worth, and by extension the gold equivalence of FSP.


While I'm all for more gold sinks (helps regulate the fsp market), these are fairly ridiculous at the higher tiers. Gold gain is capped at 310 after 1500-1600 (@Badpenny, you probably know the right levels, im just trying to remember XD), and drops drastically at some point to about 50-60gp a kill later in the game. The point being, these super high costs again dont fit in well, even as a gold sink.


EDIT: found the post i was looking for about gold XD


Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)



Thirdly, and lastly:


Equipment is destroyed to help remove the amount of best-used sets from the system, increasing the demand/supply.


This is what composing is doing, albeit not as well as it was thought probably lol. But trying to do this in general is always hard because of a few reasons. (A) The gear gets farmed so much because people want to try and profit off the items, ( B) because they are some of "the best" sets to be used, they aren't discarded/broken down lightly, and © Even with the merging idea, people would only do so with spares or less valuable gear.



All in all, the idea of some sort or prestige thing isn't a bad idea, but in my personal opinion this just wouldn't be the way to go about it. I've played other games with prestige/reincarnation aspects, but they also have a massively lower level cap which is why the mechanic works so well.

Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)


Edited by goolsby7, 13 August 2018 - 19:26.

Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)


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