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Member Since 23 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2021 18:21

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Add Crafted Food back to Golden Tankard

12 July 2014 - 09:37

It was the same thing when they first removed the fish, very difficult to buy.  Now many players fish.  I'm sure the same will happen with cooking.
Until then, I know of at least three people besides myself that can cook.  I hadn't intended to get into selling without a marketplace or AH.  But here goes anyway.  If you supply mats and time it when I can go AFK it's free (tips accepted).  Otherwise we can discuss.  Note that I don't keep mats on hand, you have to let me know in advance so I can gather.
(cult:  If you're listening, maybe we can extend OCD to cooking as well.  Kind of like a Burger 'n Brew.)
edit.  Special discount for tanks and prophets if I'm running ascended dungeons with you.  Also discounts if you pay in gems.  :D :P

Thats certainly possible, but Lets give some others a chance first to put something up by themselfs :)

Although, I honestly think that it isn't very rewarding to be in the cooking business.
You need 4 different gatherers: farming/foraging/fishing/Skinning and offcourse a cook.
It's very unlikely you will Find enough guys having all 5, so you will end up deviding ingredients between people. Thats not too bad.. But when it comes down to the rewards (the money you make out of it)...It isn't worth all the hassle and coordination of ingredients (there is no shared vault, so the different gatheres need to be online at the same time)
Besides, you only use 1 food an hour..The time one places a new order takes too long to have a nice continued supply.

We already having these small difficulties in our pot industry. We only make some profit on the small Hp/mp pots, Because they are easy to gather and used more than only 1 an hour.

But, Yeah, we still need them. Someone up for the challenge..?

In Topic: Something regarding healing

25 June 2014 - 14:40

I usually use FoN as an emergency thing. Like if warriors get struck in mobs aoe while doing their dps talents, or with the octopus and lvl 34 undergeared dps at to3. Or when running with lower experienced groups.. Or insane big pulls when crit cc isnt enough.

In pvp it helps alot. And with my favorite tank, I use it the same way as susej does.

Dont know where to put that point in any other talent, Except dps increasing talents from mage tree..

I never really use radiance, Except if a dps makes an mistake..Like attacking before tank. I could Let them die, but usually Fn-dp-radiance and the tank takes it from me.

In Topic: Exploit : instant node in trapper's

31 May 2014 - 13:44

It made gathering in general so much more fun to do it in trappers atol. The risk of gathering, and willing to survive made a boring Job exciting again.

Before the 1.13a update, with the quickspawn nodes, it made trappers atol attractive to go to. Now I had a good reason to go to TA. It was well worth the risk.

I never been there before.

So us pve players had a good reason to go there. With all the easy preys, pvp players do get their statisfaction too! Because there is more to kill, and more to do pvp wise.

I found it a very very clever way from you Hcs, to make both pvp players and pve players happy.

Now, with the 1.13a it's all ruined again. It's not worth the risk anymore.

With all the risk and hunting around you, the quickspawn nodes are FAR from overpowered like the TS stated. You have to stay alert as a lowlevel pve player(actualy everyone Has to stay alert), and run when someone gets close ... This stops us from gathering anyway! Heck, I believe if you use the quickier nodes outside TA your overall gathering would be higher (Because you dont have to find savespots every 5 min)

Your argument about botters exploiting the Quick nodes at Ta are invalid. Kill them to stop them. It's THAT easy!! So in my opinion, thats a rediciolous argument...

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