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Member Since 23 May 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2013 05:29

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Your 5 most wanted things to add to Eldevin

09 December 2013 - 12:22


  • Update crafting so that when you vendor a crafted item, you're not losing in-game currency every time you craft the item (I would even accept "break even",  though I think you should be able to make at least a modest 10-50% profit with each crafted item).
  • Update combat/ adventuring so that if you go out and kill a bunch of mobs, you return with more in-game currency rewards (from both direct currency drops and vendoring "grey" items that were dropped) than it will take to repair your armor for those same kills.
  • Allow us to craft some bags (and of decent size, mind you) that you can use for your inventory and bank. Make the cash-purchased ones the luxury editions.
  • Upgrade gathered/ processed material stack sizes to 25-100
  • Don't reduce the stack size of a processed item to half of what the raw materials were (i.e., smelting a stack of 10 ore becomes a stack of 10 bars, not 5)


Agreed to this list, but would like to add:


Female bodies and armor so my character doesn't look like a male!

In Topic: Forum Posting Bug

08 December 2013 - 23:26

yes and I ended up posting the same info 3 times since it didn't show up

In Topic: Rubber Banding and Crossing Zones

08 December 2013 - 13:46

Third try to go to the East Eldevin... with my ugly manish looking female character!

In Topic: Game freezing and lagging and looping

05 December 2013 - 22:57

It's called rubber-banding not looping. Mine has been doing it since the upgrade today. Also having problems changing from one location to another. Game locks up, then I have to reload it to get it going again.

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