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Member Since 09 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2016 12:01

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Mount Climb Speed

29 August 2015 - 19:42

Gotta start on that diet guys, no wonder you can't get up those horses :P :lol:


I like the horse mounting for it's authenticity, but the speed is awful indeed, come now, our fitness is surely better that this...




Also funny how mounting the reindeer is completely different and much faster...guess my guy is like: Guuurl, you ain't mounting me, I'm mounting you! And just appears right under me like a baws.

In Topic: Extra bar space [or two] for spells

28 August 2015 - 07:17

same suggestions here : https://forums.hunte...s-of-abilities/


Omg, I'm blind XD I was searching for a similar topic and didn't notice xD It did seem weird nobody would ever thought 2 bars were not enough :D


I played on private servers Buck and agreed, nothing quite compares ^^ I tried official servers once they went free, but that's no longer L2 imho :D Overall I'm happy with Eldevin for the perfect balance between adventure and grind :lol:

In Topic: Sub Classes?? ( please read Mod's)

11 August 2015 - 22:14

When I started playing I wanted to be a prophtank Paladin...you know, a tank with hefty healing abilities, monsterous shield and a gigantic hammer (still working on those two lol)...so I did :lol: As simple as that, and it even kinda works ^^


I think that with a little bit of experimentation you can create some real freaks of nature with the system implemented currently, so adding up to it with sublasses is unnecessary imho. Too bad the respecs have such a long cooldown/are expensive, otherwise I'm sure a lot of people would go nuts with trying out interesting/funny new builds as silly as a Hawkeye tank, assassin healer or even a ninja tank Gandalf...um...so if anything I would change that. :ph34r:


And I still want Taunt to work on players, HCS pls :D

In Topic: Stackable Items within your bank

04 August 2015 - 19:49

Sacks are absolutely a must have of every crafter/gatherer. I agree it´d be nice to have more space/stacking options without having to pay for them with EP, especially since some crafts are quite annoying when it comes to space (and it is kinda unfair to have smuggled goods for foraging, prospecting etc, but no such option for farming or skinning, which makes levelling tailoring, leatherworking and even cooking much more difficult :P).


But baskets are pretty nice too, before I got some ep of my own I used to spend most of my early gold on the 5g baskets which may only ever allow you to stack 30/15 of resource/crafted but it helps a lot with space issues. It might not be ideal, but it does lessen the burden some  :)

In Topic: Tanking guide !

14 July 2015 - 07:51

Great guide doom! Tanking in a nutshell ^^


When it comes to learning how to hold threat properly, I recommend finding a group of 19-24s (no high lvl cheating :P) and going Ohdar day and night (game time XD ...or real time). I didn't have Tremor at that time yet, but by the time I got it for SV/GC along with Inciting cry I was already used to handling Impale and alternating that with taunt when needed. It was great practise, especially since holding threat is key in this "broken" dungeon full of things that can kill you with a single boulder throw :lol:


Overall Ohdar is a great way to practise teamplay early on which saves you a lot of sweat on higher lvl dungeons; after a few runs when we got our sheet together we could run dungeon mode without anyone dying at all and in a good time too. For whimpy tanks like me, it also helped me practise single pulling out of the mob crowds, which came really handy in SV/GC when we either lacked dps or heal power and tanking entire groups was out of the question.

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