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Member Since 18 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active May 20 2022 13:12

#1000556 Game Suggestion: Adding Inventor Medals

Posted by Bonnie4U on 09 June 2020 - 15:15

Good day to all. I have been one that enjoyes earning the medals throughout playing the game. Its one of the many different ways and things todo threwout playing the game. I know some preffer just to hunt, or GVG, or PVP..You have your SE hunters, and Titian Hunters, and lets not forget your Bounty Hunters. 

You have those who are constantly composing for themself and their guilds as well. One set of medals that i have seen missing from the list would be one centered around Inventing. Not only do we have individuals in the game who enjoy inventing potions for themself and others, whether for guild mates or even to put up in the Auction House, we also have some quests that require us to invent items.


So i ask Why not have an inventing set of medals? I think it would make a great addition into the game as well a race to see who would be the first to get them..



#857702 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by Bonnie4U on 26 March 2014 - 18:59

How about brining back the Bounty champion pot for one!.

Second Bounty hunters should be able to be bountied back.

Third the pvp ladder should have a bit more range in my mind and should be allowed to be bountied as well.

Forth, this is a little off subject but fits into the bounty hunting aspect, how about getting ride of the tickets part of it. Otherwise the board is gonna be just as dead as it is now...Back in the day it use to be busy busy, now there is nothing.


Another thought would be for those smashers out there that like taking 5 levels make it were who ever wins the bounty cant be bountied but others can. Just a thought even though it wouldnt bother me none!!



As far as the titans. havnt delt much with em, so no comment on that end!!!

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