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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2013 20:40

#835617 Excessive activation of Deflect during bounties

Posted by RJEM on 29 December 2013 - 20:57

Bear in mind that streaks occur both ways - and check your logs for a streak of 8 kills in a row which is also quite unlikely.


HCS uses an imperfect PRNG - but it is not biased for or against the player. All my tests across all the aspects of the game that rely on it suggests the macroscopic values (hit %, variance etc.) are reproduced well, just with some  additional streakiness that is not necessarily true. Over many bounties your ratio will be 43.75% Deflect activation as it should be. Some bounties may be tougher (i.e. unluckier) than others and I understand the frustration.


Honestly - I ask you to look at your logs over an extended period (say 100 or 200 attacks) and post up your log if you actually get deflected more than 30% of the time when using anti-deflect. I've asked this before when people question my investigation and noone has yet posted any evidence outside of the odd single bounty which went badly.


Anecdotes like this (and by the way, 8 in a row is not bad luck for the BB) do not show anything is amiss.

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