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The vampires of stratos - the game :)

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#1 gothador_mrpointy

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Posted 08 October 2005 - 13:48

The vampires of Stratos
Chaos has fallen over the once so peaceful town of Stratos. No sunlight is capable of reaching the frightened villagers through the strange dark cloud which appeared out of nowhere. The berry bushes, usually brimming with succulent red berries have mysteriously started to wither while producing a terrible stench.
Worse however is that the cloud seems to be affecting the minds of the townspeople. While each villager knows perfectly well who he or she is, they seem unable to remember the personal details of everyone else. Oh, they have a vague notion of there being a seeer, a protector and a witch doctor - but the knowledge of who is who seems to be locked away in an inaccessible part of their brains.

Even odder is that there seem to be three more inhabitants than usual...

The players:
1 maniaxe
2 Seraphim
3 DarkDragon88
Posted Image4 Sephidroth - turned into a toiletbrush by vampires
5 Kayla
6 PurgatoriX
Posted Image7 Tomtom - Innocent lover of Chaotix
Posted Image8 Maxie - Innocent killed by the warlord
Posted Image9 Chaotix - Consumed by vampires
10 mamori
Posted ImagePosted Image11 Songwoven
Posted Image12 Butters - Mayor
Posted Image13 Roxatha
Posted ImagePosted Image14 Thoth - Lynched Warlord.
Posted Image15 Lilith
Posted Image16 Ayla - Lynched innocent.

Bolded persons missed a deadline. Missing two deadlines = death.

The roles present in this game
For the rules of this game and details of each role - check here: http://forum.gothado...pic.php?t=20469 . Present in this game are:
Good guys:
Posted Image 1 Seer
Posted Image 1 angel
Posted Image 1 witch doctor
Posted Image 1 Warlord
Posted Image 1 Cupid
Posted Image 8 Humans

Bad guys:
Posted Image 2 Vampires
Posted Image 1 Master vampire

Things that need to happen first
Cupid - pm me the name of the lovers. After that has happened the following becomes important.

Duration of night and day
Each gamenight will in principle last 3 days of real time or until all creatures of the night have pm'ed me their decisions - whichever comes first. Once pm'ed a decision is final.

The creatures of the night are:
Posted Image Vampires (including master) - one of you must pm me the name of the intended victim
Posted ImageMaster vampire - pm me whether or not you wish to attempt to convert someone, and if so: who.
Posted Image Seer- Pm me who you wish to sense.
Posted Image Angel - pm me the name of the person you wish to protect.
Posted Image Witch doctor - wait for my pm stating the vampires victim. Then pm me back stating if you wish to rescue this victim or not; and if you wish to make a victim of your own. Do note that you only have 1 of each potion for the whole game.

The gamedays will in principle last 4 reallife days or when a conclusive lynching vote is reached - whichever comes first. The vote is conclusive either when everyone has voted, or if someone has received an absolute majority of votes. In case of the deadline expiring the person with the most votes against him/herself (mayor breaks ties) dies.
As long as the total vote is not conclusive, you are free to change your own.

If the day deadline expires and you have not voted yet your name will get marked. Two marks mean instant death through a personal visit from the reaper. There will still be a lynching if someone dies this way.

I am willing to stretch these deadlines if people consider them too strict.

Have fun :)

#2 gothador_mrpointy

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Posted 08 October 2005 - 14:12

All roles were sent. I will update the the toppost whenever someone dies.

With that said.. it is night. Cupid, fire those arrows !
After he does: go creatures of ze night :twisted: (you can make decisions now, but would it not be a waste if cupid picked you as a lover ?)

Everyone should also give careful thought as to whom they will vote for mayor in the morning ;)

And remember people: lying is allowed - as is scheming outside this topic! Only the DM always speaks truth.


I received a question about roleplaying.

Yes, you can roleplay ;) Just keep in mind that:
a. You have amnesia and do not know who everyone else is. Unless you are a vampire, in which case you do not want to tell people what you are.
b. You are somewhat paranoid because of that (well.. that and there being bloodthirsty monsters in your town that like to devour you).
c. Everyone reads this topic

So things like sharing impressive stories of how you became seer or how you were converted to the dark side are.. how shall I put it.. rather suicidal. If however you wish to convince your fellow citizens you have always lived in the village, are the barber, are trembling under your blanket with bunnyprints etc. - feel free. Even if in reality you are a vampire. As said: lying is allowed :)

And now.. please, let somebody else post. Multiposting = bad.

#3 gothador_mrpointy

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Posted 09 October 2005 - 10:37

For two people the world is a bit less dark... cause love lights everything.

Nevertheless.. it is night now. Let us not concern ourselves with what those two lovebirds are doing...

Creatures of the night - send your pms ;)

#4 gothador_mrpointy

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 15:55

According to the clock the night is over.. but darkness still covers the town. Somewhat nervous the villagers gather on the main square. A quick headcount shows that there are still 16 people present... but Butters is looking awfully pale. Their neck also shows several strange bitemarks...

The vampires feasted on Butters this night, but the witch doctor decided to interfere and prevent an untimely demise.

However, there is no life elixer left now - so the villagers would be wise to seek out and destroy whoever had this craving for blood...

Villagers !
Who are you going to elect as mayor ?
Who are you going to lynch ?

#5 gothador_ayla

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 17:19

Butters for Mayor, since we already know now that she is not a vampire.

Sephidroth to be lynched just cause he'd like the attention.

#6 gothador_sephidroth

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 17:48

I'll toss my vote in for Butters as well - but I never asked for attention here, don't lynch me! We need to try and get one of the vampires.

#7 gothador_maxie

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 18:08

I agree with Butters for mayor, I dun trust anyone else

Anyone got any idea about the vamps?


#8 Treeline



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Posted 12 October 2005 - 18:19

I agree with Butters for mayor, I dun trust anyone else

Anyone got any idea about the vamps?


I used to watch buffy and angel, does that count?

#9 gothador_maxie

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 18:25

I agree with Butters for mayor, I dun trust anyone else

Anyone got any idea about the vamps?


I used to watch buffy and angel, does that count?

Only if goth players appeared in it ;)




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Posted 12 October 2005 - 18:33

I agree with Butters for mayor, I dun trust anyone else

Anyone got any idea about the vamps?


I used to watch buffy and angel, does that count?

Only if goth players appeared in it ;)

Second Butters for mayor... *trows her slogan to be Mayor "Lazy and sexy: Vote for me"

And I think we should lynch Chaotix

#11 gothador_sephidroth

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 19:00

I agree with Butters for mayor, I dun trust anyone else

Anyone got any idea about the vamps?


Well, Ayla was awfully quick to start pointing fingers, perhaps she has some reason to think they may end up pointed at her?

#12 Kayla



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Posted 12 October 2005 - 19:18

Perhaps rather than pointing fingers at people, who may or may not be innocent (bearing in mind that the odds are on the favour of either being inncoent at the moment!) we could start asking questions.

In the words of a watchman troll "Was it you that dun it? You sure you not dun it? Come on confess, you dun it!"

In the meantime, I have no problems with Butters for Mayor.... er... who is Butters?


#13 gothador_thoth

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 19:27

Agreed, Butters seems safe enough as a choice for mayor.

#14 gothador_maxie

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 19:28

In the words of a watchman troll "Was it you that dun it? You sure you not dun it? Come on confess, you dun it!"

Tell the truth, it'll confuse him ;)

#15 gothador_sephidroth

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 19:30

Perhaps rather than pointing fingers at people, who may or may not be innocent (bearing in mind that the odds are on the favour of either being inncoent at the moment!) we could start asking questions.

In the words of a watchman troll "Was it you that dun it? You sure you not dun it? Come on confess, you dun it!"

In the meantime, I have no problems with Butters for Mayor.... er... who is Butters?


Well, right now, we really only know a couple things:

A) The vampires tried to eat butters

from which it logically follows that

B) butters is not a vampire

she's still alive though, because

C) the witch doctor used his(her) vial of life to save her

Not much else we know at this point, and I doubt any of the vampires is going to admit to it - although as I said Ayla was pretty quick to start in with the finger pointing, makes me think that she has some reason to worry they might get pointed at her if she didn't!

#16 gothador_ayla

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 19:33

Actually, I think I'll change my vote for lynching to Thoth. He seems to be a bit too nonchalant, just throwing in a name for mayor without even discussing the lynching stuffs.

#17 gothador_ayla

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 19:37

Perhaps rather than pointing fingers at people, who may or may not be innocent (bearing in mind that the odds are on the favour of either being inncoent at the moment!) we could start asking questions.

In the words of a watchman troll "Was it you that dun it? You sure you not dun it? Come on confess, you dun it!"

In the meantime, I have no problems with Butters for Mayor.... er... who is Butters?


Well, right now, we really only know a couple things:

A) The vampires tried to eat butters

from which it logically follows that

B) butters is not a vampire

she's still alive though, because

C) the witch doctor used his(her) vial of life to save her

Not much else we know at this point, and I doubt any of the vampires is going to admit to it - although as I said Ayla was pretty quick to start in with the finger pointing, makes me think that she has some reason to worry they might get pointed at her if she didn't!

You can point your fingers at me anytime! :lol:

#18 gothador_thoth

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 19:46

Of course! Lynch someone for being nonchalant. I believe that is one of the first things on the "Is he a vampire" list, right below pale, allergic to garlic, and is quick to try to divert attention from themselves by casting doubt on others.

As to "the lynching stuffs." I am not entirely sure what that means.

All I know is that there are vampires in this town and they tried to kill someone. That someone is now beyond reproach. They are clearly not a vampire. As such, I would feel safe in having them as the mayor.

I do not feel that we have enough information at this time to lynch anyone. I do not wish to see an innocent die.

#19 gothador_ayla

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 19:50

Of course! Lynch someone for being nonchalant. I believe that is one of the first things on the "Is he a vampire" list, right below pale, allergic to garlic, and is quick to try to divert attention from themselves by casting doubt on others.

As to "the lynching stuffs." I am not entirely sure what that means.

All I know is that there are vampires in this town and they tried to kill someone. That someone is now beyond reproach. They are clearly not a vampire. As such, I would feel safe in having them as the mayor.

I do not feel that we have enough information at this time to lynch anyone. I do not wish to see an innocent die.

Unfortunately, there is only one way to gain information with this game. In order for the game to continue, we have to lynch *somebody*. Being overly quiet is far more suspicious than someone that may or may not, be trying to divert attention from themselves. Hell, lynch me if you like, but you'll just discover that I am nothing more than a measly human...... In this game anyway.

#20 gothador_tomtom

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 20:03

I think, at the moment I have to agree with Seph here. The only fact we have that we can be at least reasonably certain of is that Butters isn't a vampire.

And that's it; that's the only clue we have.

So, in the complete absence of any solid evidence, we're going to have to rely on shaky, dodgy and downright circumstantial evidence. And in that case...

Circumstantial: Yes, Ayla was the first to point fingers. Sure, somebody has to be first, it doesn't necessarily mean anything - but it might.

Dodgy: She said to lynch Seph "just cause he'd like the attention." Could this be a deliberate attempt to literally pass attention away from herself and onto someone else? Maybe. Perhaps not. Even if it is, it might not mean she's a vampire (humans don't want to get lynched either!). It certainly wouldn't stand up in court.

EDIT: okay, while I was typing this and looking for batteries for my keyboard, and then finishing typing it, some more posts were added. I don't think they changed my points much though, so on we go...

So far, that's all we have. Practically nothing. Practically. If that's all we have, then I'd have to go along with it... so the big question is this:

Does anybody else have any more info, however dodgy and unreliable it is? Anything at all regarding anybody else? At all? Please speak up, innocent lives may depend upon it!

Oh, and yeah, Butters for Presid... um... Mayor! Woo!

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