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Member Since 03 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 17 2019 10:58

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In Topic: second ladder/server

04 September 2013 - 03:59

hmmm your posts are a bit confusing,, are you asking for a 2nd FS server running the same game at once??

If so no theres just not enough players to run both.


If you are saying make another FS server for "a trip back in time" like being able to start over with a new character that might work and be fun and popular,,, to an extent im still sorry to say I dont think theres player base left to keep it running.

The thing is, for new players there is no competition anymore, everyone has out leveled the content so far that there really is not incentive to play for them, and i'm sure that a lot of players have quit for that exact reason.

In Topic: second ladder/server

04 September 2013 - 00:09

I don't see the point in having a second world/ladder.. we are already struggling for enough activity in the one that we have now.

A trip back in time for a second server would surely bring back old players that have no incentive to play the game in the state it is in right now.

In Topic: second ladder/server

03 September 2013 - 14:49

hummmm i dont fully understand what you mean

a game "ladder" is like a lot of games have multiple worlds, or servers.

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