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#1 Removed4427



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Posted 12 September 2020 - 19:26

I just started, what do i do?



**you have unlimited energy till level 5. your energy counter will stay 500/500 till then. Also, the "death penalty" doesn't start till level 5 (loss of xp and credits)




# 1  ...  "I don't need no tutorial, i'm here to kill stuff."


the level 1 creature drops pants and a helmet add-on. you need to wear a helmet to use the add-on. Starting with level 1 and each new level you go to, make your way to the store473.gif for gear upgrades (like a helmet). the store on most levels sell gear. Creatures level 2 - 9 don't drop gear.



the R button for repair only works if you are at a repair center 3634.gif

you don't get skill points for leveling, only by doing missions, so if you just go power leveling, you will never have any buffs or be able to choose a class




# 2



in the tutorial, follow the directions of the "my eyes are up here" cyber goth girl



to refresh your memory, click your mission log and click on the mission



if you get lost, click the overview map


the overview only shows a dot where you are (and behemoth monsters, but that's much later), it  doesn't show regular creatures, like the sprites



this video: mute ... also go to settings , use a slower playback speed ... disregard the part showing ways to get free crystals for doing offers




a link to a layout of the first 5 levels (thx to EdTheHead) 


there are 2 paths to level 5: one from the tutorial and one from "not the tutorial" (memory core):






a link to a walkthrough of the first 49 missions (thx to player Syl):





- the only way to get skill points is by completing missions (quests). you don't get skill points by leveling (not all missions reward skill points)


- each world map has a chat feature on it. only the people on that map will see it






i'm supposed to kill sprites, where are they?



the overview map only shows your location, not creatures (like the sprites)


 there are lots of sprites in that area, but they may not be right next to the combat instructor. EXPAND YOUR SEARCH AREA. I went there and found this group


when sprites (or a creature on any level) are killed, they respawn on a random spot somewhere on that map. Since the sprites nearest the combat instructor are always killed first, they're respawning somewhere else. walk around, you'll find some!




i have a blueprint to invent an item (to complete a mission, or a piece of gear). how do i invent it?



in your backpack, click on the blueprint to "learn" it.


it then it disappears from your backpack ohmy.png  unsure.png  huh.png 




actions ---> view blueprints, to now see the blueprint. 





click on the name of the blueprint to see what's needed




brings up the view blueprint screen



hover your mouse over an item needed, and note the yellow text:



"mission items" are usually creature drops


"parts" are usually sold in the store on that level


"resources" are creature drops




components are extracted from "resource" items


(resource items are creature drops)


when you get a resource item in your backpack, click on it to (hopefully) get the component you need


extracted components have their own section on your profile page,  under the backpack section






"I have way too many of one component, and not enough of one i need"



***you can "transmute" 2 unwanted components for 1 wanted component for some credits:






actions ---> transmute ... brings up the transmute screen, showing "available components"


1  " Select a component below to see what it can be converted into" ... click on the component you have too many of


2  brings up a new section "target component" ... click on the one you want


3  brings up the cost...to transmute 2 unwanted components into 1 that you want


4  hit the [transmute] button




once you have everything you need, go to any assembly building 482.gif and enter it





entering the building takes you to the "view blueprints" screen



click on the blueprint


the option is there to "invent".....not all inventions are successful  sad.png 


invented items show up in your mailbox (pink text on the left side bar) click on the text to collect




your mailbox will "hold" the item for 60 minutes, after which it's gone




***on your "view blueprints" screen, you can "add new folder" to store learnt blueprints


create one for "old missions" and "move blueprints" there...you'll probably never need them again


you can create more folders for other stuff




i need a hertz matrix / pulse line / surge vector ... where do i get these?


hertz matrix is a creature drop:


0.gifHertz Matrix (Unique)   Statistics Type: Resource Level: 1   Dropped By Energy Spike: 25%  (chance)   Failed Cyborg Unit: 9% (chance)


the surge vector 234b072f51.gif




pulse line 355d3924fb.gif


are extracted from the hertz matrix. in your backpack, click on it to (hopefully) extract.



extracted items show up in the "components" section of your profile page, under the backpack section





I was killing creatures just fine for a while, why did i suddenly start dying all the time?


most likely you need to repair your gear, as it gets damaged in battle. go to the round building with the wrench on top to repair, for a credit cost (use your overview map to find the nearest one)




on your data sheet (character page) hover your mouse over a piece of gear to see its' current condition (durability):


in this case, even though a stat may be listed as 100 when you hover your mouse, it's actually only 89


starting on level 5, there are repair kits you can buy - to repair without going to a repair center


starting on level 5 , there is a "death penalty" if you are killed. you lose some xp and some credits.


when killed, you wake up at the pyramid building 480.gif, where you go to heal, for a credit cost


the pyramid building only heals health...does not repair gear




i finished level 7 ... where is level 8?


the maps don't always follow a straight line. sometimes the maps are something like this:












LINK TO MAPS 5 - 140 thanks to EdTheHead








how do i choose a class?



you don't need to choose right now, though you DO have to complete the crawling corruption mission to choose


you can stay a clone until you decide later, and you don't have to go back to the skill instructor to choose - thank him and move on. the first class-specific gear is level 9 and 10. Some stay a clone for dozens of levels deciding



when you DO decide:


go to skills




click on the class of your choice (cyborg, for example)


which brings up the skill tree for that class


to the right of the skill tree, a side bar says "[select a skill on the left panel]"


select the one at the top - the primary skill


the side bar changes, to show that skill description. underneath is the option to "add (skill) points"


add 5 skill points, then click "add points"


you get a dramatic log message saying "you are now a (whatever)!"


you get a new "skill power" bar


you get 1 skill power per kill, modified by the intensifier buff/stim (x2 or x3, etc). 


skill power is needed to cast the class-specific buffs on that page ... on yourself, or others of the same class (you can't cast a soldier buff on a mutant, for example).


when you get more skill points, i recommend putting 1 point (only), into whatever that class has as a healing skill (for cyborgs, it's patch)...you can only heal (patch) yourself on that page....click on the healing skill and "activate on self" ... saves backpack space from carrying med kits


skill power "decays" by 5 each hour



***go to upgrades --> use crystals. an option to reset and change your class is there...first one is free





which class should i choose?


all classes are equally amazing and awesome in their own way. the question we most often hear is "which one is easiest?", so....



tl;dr ... soldier or mutant (easiest, least hassle, least frustrating ,,,, mutant weapons need no ammo! your radioactivity is your ammo)



cyborg gear has the highest offensive stats, but - it uses up the most skill points of any class to use all the items available to get those killer stats (less points for core buffs)



purists are awesome! but - ammo for purists is a hassle (veteran purists reading this will say "no, it's not"). if you choose purist, it may be frustrating to use purist weapons till you reach maybe level 40:


on the level 9 map, the first purist weapon is the psi thorn. you have to build it (unless you're in a faction that has one), blueprint is for sale in the store.


purist ammo is mind shards 8456f3c8b8.gif which are sold in the store...only they're empty....you have to "charge" them using your psi skill power....58.gif.....



......to charge empty mind shards, you need to sink the skill points you've been saving into a new skill: Mind Shard (look at your purist skill tree):




58.gifMind Shard 0 / 100  (skill points) 


" +0.5% per point chance to charge a full stack of empty Mind Shards, allowing them to be used as ammo. "


a level 9 purist has maybe 40 available skill points. if you sink all of those into this skill, 40 x .5% = 20%...


...you would only have a 20% chance to charge your shards




after building your psi thorn weapon (or getting one from your factions' store), buy a stack (25) of mind shards


to charge mind shards:


-go to the purist skill tree (character --> skills)


-for example let's say you've put 20 points into mind shard skill


-click on the mind shard skill, and "activate on self". each attempt to charge a stack costs you 10 psi. if you have no psi skill power, you gotta go kill some creatures to build up your psi (you get 1 psi per kill, modified by the intensifier buff/stim... x2, x3, etc. )


with 20 points in "mind shard" , you have a 10% chance to charge the shards....even with the skill maxed 100/100, a 50% chance


an option here is to stay with regular weapons for now, save your skill points till you have enough to feel comfortable with the mind shard skill


if you have no ammo, your psi weapon is useless, you may not be able to kill creatures on your level, so you might have to travel to a lower level to build up your psi


you can buy extra stacks of shards and charge them as you hunt, but this takes up extra backpack space.


***this is the point: other classes simply buy their ammo (mutant weapons need no ammo) at the store with one click





where should i put my evolution points?



each new level you get 2 evolution points - to add to your stats. the left side bar will pop up a message when you level "you have 2 evolution points available". click on it, or go to "Evolve"



my opinion:


put 1 in damage and 1 in attack for now


a rough suggestion of what your points should look like over time


40% damage

30% attack

10% health

10% armor

10% defense


if you just "put all points into damage" you'll regret it later on


***go to upgrades --> use crystals. an option is there to reset your points. first one is free. The game is easy enough in the beginning, you shouldn't feel a need (if any) to reset till you're maybe level 1 or 2 hundred





I leveled up and got a "bound crystal" pp_button_2.gif what should i do with it?


you get 1 pp_button_2.gif bound crystal for each level you gain


upgrade ---> use crystals ... takes you to the character upgrade page ... this is the only page where you can use these crystals


Best value is to increase things that are permanent, like your maximum energy or skill power = it's a permanent upgrade that will benefit you forever





how do i get more skill points? / how many total points are in the game?



*only way to get skill points is to complete missions


*you do not get skill points for leveling, only for completing missions



**there is a total of 2,200 skill points in the game. there are a total of 440 levels. 2,200 divided by 440 levels = 5. so, on average, you'll gain 5 skill points per level


**there is a total of 203 missions. not all missions reward skill points




character ---> skills ---> view skill guide


to see an alphabetical list of all buffs and stims

Edited by duktayp, 11 April 2022 - 00:37.

#2 Removed4427



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Posted 13 September 2020 - 15:36

help links, guides, information https://forums.hunte...showtopic=74240




link to maps level 5 - 140 (thx to EdTheHead)







buildings....not all buildings are on all maps, and they might look a bit different on each map:



forgelevel.gif = needs real-life money to use


480.gif pyramid: heals health. if you are killed, you wake up here


482.gif assembly building, entering brings up your "view blueprints" screen


172.gifstore .... buy stuff here


703.gifengineering - increases stats listed in the "bonus" section of your gear forgelevel.gif


481.gif repair center - repair your gear here


520.gif   augmentation building forgelevel.gif increase the craft of an item (poor, good, excellent...)



519.gif  bank your credits here (can only bank 20% at a time)


43.gif portal to other locations in the game...(some entrances to nearby levels also look like this)

Edited by duktayp, 21 October 2020 - 13:31.

#3 Removed4427



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Posted 16 September 2020 - 15:58

core skills


go to skills



brings up your skill tree




core skills are available to learn by anyone. you learn a skill there by adding skill points (earned by completing missions) to a skill.


you can buff yourself by clicking the head icon (not the glowing map icon shown)



also, on players' profile page, there is a link to "cast skills" on them


core skills use energy â€‹which replenishes each hour (gain per hour) 






skill power



after choosing a class, you get a skill power bar



you get 1 point (of power) per kill, modified by an intensifier buff/stim (x2, x3, etc)


skill power is used to cast skills from your class' skill tree


***skill power "decays" by 5 each hour




class skills




go to skills and click on your class



brings up your class skill tree


you learn these skills by adding skill points to them


class skills use class skill power


Edited by duktayp, 16 September 2020 - 20:22.

#4 Irradiated



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Posted 18 September 2020 - 19:40

It's a great guide you're putting together.  But I have to ask, who is it for?  Does the game still get new players?  It's not even listed on the Cow's main page.


I still believe this game has great potential, with two fairly large upgrades.  Most important, import the key features of the old Sigmastorm Helper.  And to expand the potential audience, the ability to play as an app as well as in the browser.  But I don't see the Cows doing either.


Of course, if you wrote this just because you wanted to, that's the best of reasons.

Meleager, ranger

Tuor, templar (Inactive)

Deimos, mage

Thangbrand, warsin (Mostly on vacation)

Bart, ??? (bene trades)

#5 Removed4427



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Posted 18 September 2020 - 20:06

how does combat work? 


(these are all rough numbers):


if your attack is 90% of their defense, you have....maybe a 50/50 chance to hit


ideally, you want your attack to be at least 105% of their defense, for about a 95% chance to hit...


...and your damage to be greater than their combined armor and health. Creatures have damage resistance, as seen on "view entity"


if the creature survives your attack, it uses the same formula to attack you





my armor is higher than the creatures' damage! how did it hit me for more than 1 damage?



even if your armor is higher than their damage, the creature will still hit you for about 25% of their total damage...


...minus your resistance to their particular damage type, as listed on your profile page





your armor is 100...or 1000, their damage is 80


they are hitting with solid 0.jpgdamage


they get by your defense and score a hit - they'll hit you for (about) 20 damage


if your resistance to solid damage is 20%, they'll only hit you for (about) 16 damage



**critical hit ignores armor and resistance, and does double damage

Edited by duktayp, 02 January 2022 - 23:26.

#6 Removed4427



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Posted 19 September 2020 - 19:13

i hate having to run back to the repair center all the time



once you get to level 5 there are repair kits available to repair your gear, in the shops




the kits repair 25% of the damage, so if a piece of gear says 68/100, it will "repair" it up to 93/100 (do not let your gear get that damaged)


you have a choice to buy 1, or 25 at a time - each "stack" of 25 takes up 1 backpack space, which counts down as you use them....ammo works the same way


*if you have 2 stacks, one says 16/25 and one says 3/25 (taking up 2 backpack spaces) there is a "combine" option on your profile page to make 1 stack of 19/25...ammo works the same way


click on the repair kit on your profile page to use one, or use the wrench on the map (the red cross uses medical kits the same way)







PvP levels



some levels have a red bar instead of a green bar ...................here.......v



on these levels players within 10 levels of each other, up or down, can attack each other. you'll get a warning before entering a PvP level. 


the shops and pyramids are safe spots


the first PvP area is level 7(?)




slaughterfest .... click actions --->  Slaughterfest! for more info

Edited by duktayp, 06 February 2021 - 13:23.

#7 Removed4427



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Posted 19 September 2020 - 19:29

weapons / ammo



when you buy a weapon from the store, or "loot" one from a creature, it comes fully loaded


hover your mouse over the weapon and read where it says "ammo"


n/a means it uses no ammo


"damage type" shows the type of damage it inflicts...also what kind of ammo you need to buy to reload it. 


buying ammo, your choices are 1/25 (one full clip) or 25/25 (25 clips) ... each takes up 1 backpack space


if you have 2 "ammos" taking up 2 backpack spaces ...1 says 3/25 and 1 says 12/25, use the "combine selected" button in your backpack to make one 15/25


***reload your weapon when the clip runs low! your weapon will reload automatically during battle (if you have a fresh clip in your inventory), but you "lose a turn" reloading...giving the creature a free chance to hit


*** if you run completely out of ammo, any future combat rounds are as if you're not carrying a weapon (you lose the stats from the weapon)



one ammo type is slashing ... which uses rotorkins 259d719d1ce.gif ... this ammo is not available in stores - must be invented, using level 9 creature drops and  258ea8225df.gif edged discs , that you can buy in a store. since you must run back to level 9 to replenish your ammo, weapons using slashing ammo are not recommended (back when the game was active, it was a way for low levels to make some cash)


***some weapons cause slashing damage, but don't need ammo (some whips, for example). hover your mouse over the weapon.  ammo will say n/a


to farm slashing ammo: character ---> config ---> transport back to Rad Lands ---> world (map) ---> desert mouth




starting on level 280 there is venom ammo 54342e1f360d.gif you must also invent (blueprint is for sale on level 280 map...the elite map?). less hassle to invent, since you're farming a drop 54352ff793bb.gif fairly common above 280....radioactive creatures. that drop is listed as a mission item, so use mission finder to increase the drop rate



"damage caused" is affected by enhancements and resistance as shown on your profile page


creatures also have enhancements and resistance...shown by clicking the "view entity" link icon_action_view.gif

Edited by duktayp, 12 November 2020 - 16:08.

#8 Removed4427



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Posted 20 September 2020 - 16:05

what is a micro-generator? 


starting on map 201, the stores sell these - minimum level to use is 201


4591ce357e57.gif level 25


460569ad3a9e.gif level 50



the loyalty section, under upgrades, sells these - minimum level to use is 1


4641cb2a066a.giflevel 75


4642529d963a.giflevel 100



for every 25 points of the skill level ...


you gain +1 to all of the stats in the "bonus" section of your equipped gear...


for every level you are above that piece of equipment


*the highest level generator is 100, so +4 is max increase

Edited by duktayp, 02 January 2022 - 23:29.

#9 Removed4427



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Posted 20 September 2020 - 20:46

I'm trying to get a drop from a creature:


mission item = use mission finder; the buff, or the (minimum level 16) stim 7141f4472d9c.gif


resource item = use scavenger stim


find item = helps with both (increases the overall drop rate for everything, including any other crap the creature drops)


mission finder and scavenger stim, used at the same time, will cancel each other out (not totally but, you'll have better luck using one at a time)


**Actions ---> trade hub : at the bottom is "special" , a section that sells different stims (some have minimum level requirements), including a level 400 scavenger stim 4488af4863e3.gif minimum level to use is 25

Edited by duktayp, 21 January 2021 - 06:39.

#10 Removed4427



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Posted 21 September 2020 - 04:46

level 16 - Taulin city - Taulin City is a hubbub of activity with different peoples going about on their daily business.




a spaceship @ 1,4 takes you to an asteroid orbiting the planet. a (level 16) mission there rewards 1658 xp and a piece of body armor you'll probably throw away no skill points


ZEDs' merch shop @ 8,1 sells blueprints to legendary gear


a Taulin city guard @ 6,2 needs your help


Kuo Shens' treasures @ 4,8 sells blueprints for level 100 and 150 stims


Kiliks' boutique @ 3,4 sells  wacky useless gear with zero stats, only good for wearing while offline...and taking up backpack space when not worn


the market @ 3,7 sells stims you won't find anywhere else, including a level 100 intensifier


7,5 sells ammo


Taulin city doesn't have an assembly plant ----- closest one is in the desert path (use the door @ 1,8)





to easily get there, whatever your current location (you have to be above level 16, and completed the "bit builder" mission):



***click character ---> config



at the bottom, there is an option to "instant teleport back to Taulin rad lands" for 25 energy. click that




you get 

INFORMATION ALERT You use the Instant Portal - you are now in the Taulin Rad Lands.



click ---> "world" <---


brings up the "master realm map" for the Taulin Rad lands


the option to enter Taulin city is there, along with surrounding realms





when you've finished your business there, a portal is @ 5,7 to take you back to your area

Edited by duktayp, 06 February 2021 - 13:32.

#11 Removed4427



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Posted 22 September 2020 - 18:12

allegiance tokens


you get 5 every 24 hours...IF you log on every day. if you're gone for 10 days, you don't get 50 tokens, you'll get 5


upgrade ---> loyalty


brings up the loyalty rewards page




best value:


micro generators: for every 25 points of the "skill" of the generator, you'll gain 1 point of each stat in the "bonus" section of equipped gear, for every level you are above the gears' level 


also, the limit of the gain is +for every 25 points


the loyalty section has a level 75, and a level 100 .... so a gain of or points in each stat, if you are in fact at least 3 or 4 levels above that gear


if you use a level 100, and you are only 1 level above one piece of gear, you only get 1 stat gain...for that piece (when you get 4 levels above that piece, you'll get 4)


starting at level 200...might be 201? there is a level 25 and 50 for sale in the shops




repair drones: repairs your gear by 50 points (repair kits sold in stores only repair 25 points) 


an expensive option to the repair kits sold in stores....you'd probably be dying every battle if you're letting your gears' durability fall by 50 points




descriptions of the last 2 are in characters ---> skills ---> view skill guide

Edited by duktayp, 02 January 2022 - 23:31.

#12 Removed4427



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Posted 29 September 2020 - 22:08

pp_button_2.gifpp_button_2.gifpp_button_2.gifpp_button_2.gifpp_button_2.gif earning more crystals


upgrade ---> enlist


if you get a friend to join the game...using the referral link...you will earn bound crystals as they level, starting with level 25


(you might have to send in a support ticket asking for the reward)


they must use your referral link


these crystals can ONLY be used on the character upgrade page

Edited by duktayp, 02 January 2022 - 23:33.

#13 Removed4427



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Posted 30 September 2020 - 15:33







http://www.angelfire...conquerer7.html   for the larger version





level 140 to 400 (starts at bottom of page)



Edited by duktayp, 25 March 2021 - 20:55.

#14 Removed4427



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Posted 22 August 2023 - 04:09

Bumping for visibility, post any questions here

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