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Member Since 21 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2015 01:25

#916248 Azaraq Assassin Vanity Set

Posted by Teeje on 21 January 2015 - 03:18

 The other 3 Azaraq Vanity sets are there in the shop, and i was wondering if HCS had any plans of implementing the Assassin version? Its been on my mind for a while now why this set hasnt been added. If the devs already had this in mind then please excuse this post lol.  I apologize if this post doesnt belong in Suggestions. 


Here are the links to previous threads suggesting to add vanity:




#912551 Stuck "Authenticating" via Steam

Posted by Teeje on 29 December 2014 - 03:17

Normally I am able to just open the Eldevin client, and my account is already  authenticated. However, within the last 2 hours or so, the client (opened through steam) just stays at the loading screen saying "Authenticating". If this is just due to maintenance please excuse this post, but is anyone else playing through steam having this problem? I also get a message sometimes that says "GBApploader quit unexpectedly" and the client quits. (Playing on a Macbook Pro, i know, i apologize)

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