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Member Since 04 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 03 2014 23:58

Topics I've Started

A hand of applause for the artists of the GGT 7!

02 January 2014 - 19:56

And the winners of the Grand Graphics Tournament 7 are... *drumroll*...



GGT1stPlace_zps68aa8510.png receives 600fsp for 1st place!


GGT2ndPlace_zps2a7ea4d8.png receives 400fsp for 2nd place!


GGT3rdPlace_zps9a148ac9.pngreceives 200fsp for 2nd place!


Runner Ups: Recieve 20 fsp each


4th place: ghetoghost

5th place: jsustin212

6th place MindyN5


Honorable mentions:


7th place: zeder

8th place: clock96

9th place: ArtistGorn (Resigned from GGT due to RL)

10th place: jzaz (Resigned from GGT due to RL)

11th place: treefrog88 (Missed deadline/Distracted by RL)

12th place: aa0007 (Unknown)

13th place: Roan

14th place: AttorraRu



*NOTE: The Gold, Silver, and Bronze are the medals for the GGT7 and can be worn as signatures. I hope Chag, Beany, and Pat will wear them with pride. :)

GGT FINAL Voting Round -- Futuristic New Years Day.

30 December 2013 - 19:36

Welcome to the 7th Grand Graphics Tournament -- FINAL ROUND! The best Artists of GGT 7 are gathered together to do a battle royal for top 3 bragging rights and a sweet sweet prize totaling 1260 fsp. Who will be #1, #2, and #3 this time?

Well, that my fellow players is up to you!

The theme you're voting on is 'Futuristic New Years Day'.

Freestyle is where the artist has free reign to create any type of graphics he/she chooses (so long as it's not animated).

What is  a 'Futuristic New Year's Day'?

New Years Day has dawned in the far future. How does it look?

That's up to the Artists. What do they see for a far, far future New Year's Day?
Is the population 1/2 human 1/2 alien? 1/2 human 1/2 robot? Are there flying cars? Superhuman abilities? Or has the world been wiped out by one huge New Years Eve Party?

Below you'll find the entries. Please take a moment and look them over, vote for the avatar-signature set that you find most appealing and give a bit of a reason for your rating.

Please rate each entry set on a scale of 1 to 10 with a vote of 10 being 'this blows my mind it is so good' and 1 being 'this is phale'.

You have up to 25 points to distribute between the two entries in each grouping.

You DO NOT need to give out all 25 points. The MAX you can give is 10 points on 1 piece per group.

(Note: 10 points = +1, 5/10 = +.5, etc etc on tally sheet)

Please include a reason with your votes - you only have to give a reason for one per set. It doesn't have to be technical. You can just say I liked this one best, or something along those lines but we all know an artist thrives on feedback so don't hesitate to really say what you think.

If your vote looks like you're trolling or joking I will contact you about it, and it won't count unless I'm satisfied that you weren't trolling.

Voting closes at 23:59 Server Time on Wednesday, January 1st

Votes that do not have a reason will not be counted.

*artists, you may vote, but do not skip your own group, votes will be adjusted when tallied.

Please vote for every grouping.

On behalf of my fellow artists, thank you for taking the time to vote and I hope you enjoy the bounty of art that is being laid before you.

NOTE: Everyone who votes will be entered into a drawing for a FREE avatar!!  Several people will be randomly selected after the voting.

Free avatars to be given out by random will be done by the following artists:

2 by cqinmi  (note: due to a large list of avatars needing to be completed, it may take awhile for you to receive your free avatar. Please have patience but feel free to contact the artist in game.)


2 by patnov


That's 4 chances to win an avatar!
Tell your friends, tell your guildmates!

The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

19 December 2013 - 18:51

Limited Time Shop -- Speed depends on RL work and school schedules. -- Graphics completed within 2-7 days.




♥ Render/Stock (no themes at this time)

♥ Text

♥ Specify Avatar or Signature

♥ Additional Info (optional)




♥ Avatars = 3-5 fsp

♥ Signatures = 5-8 fsp

♥ Subscriber Graphics = 250 fsp (get 2 avatars/signatures per week for 1 year)



~Example Avatars~

WylLib_zpsc8a9aac7.png   SlntScream_zps77057640.png  Elokin_zps5ec6c041.png


Hic242_zps093453c9.png  Dusty_zps45307d95.png  MrScary1_zps8db26b35.png


Roan_zps21103d05.png  S1l3ntD34D_zpsedee46ff.png  Wiivja_zps861dabe9.png


Archie1531_zpsa315f180.png  Dom_zps991d7db8.png  KayeshaAvycopy.jpg


SkitzoPony2copy-1.jpg  theggold.jpg  BeastBoy-1.jpg



~Example Signatures~

















Grand Graphics Tournament 7 Medals

13 December 2013 - 19:58

Every tournament has had medals for the top 3 contestants.


I made the following but they seem kind of 'blah. plain' to me. Could use some help. Anyone like to collab with me? Or atleast give these a finishing touch?  If anyone is interested, I'll send you my PSDs.







2013 Grand Graphics Final Round Theme

13 December 2013 - 18:45

Welcome ladies and gents to the 7th Grand Graphics Tournament's FINAL ROUND!


Our wonderful artists are here to pit their skills against one another. Some also hope to earn fs fame and fortune!


The Prize Pot is over 1200 fsp!!


The theme for the final round is.... Futuristic New Years Day


What is  a 'Futuristic New Year's Day'?

New Years Day has dawned in the far future. How does it look?

That's up to the Artists. What do they see for a far, far future New Year's Day?
Is the population 1/2 human 1/2 alien? 1/2 human 1/2 robot? Are there flying cars? Superhuman abilities? Or has the world been wiped out by one huge New Years Eve Party?



The artists job for this round is to create a piece that contains the essence of New Years Day yet  is set in a futuristic setting.



Please feel free to PM me if you have questions or need to bounce an idea.


This is a COMBO round!!

Your entries must be a signature AND an avatar, no larger than 250h x 500w (standard FS signature sizes) and no smaller than 200h x 200w (standard FS game avatar size).

Please keep it FS appropriate.


Note: For this round, please provide links to resources used.


Entries due by: December 30th

^Extra Time Allowed Due to the Upcoming Holidays.


-Do not post your entries here, PM them to me via the forum.


-No animated pieces

-No cheating

-No vote bribing
-No smack talking
-Entries must be newly made for this competition
-If you have any questions, PM me
--And Have fun



Our contestants for Round 5 are:


1) patnov

2) beanopoly

3) Chagryn


We wish ghetoghost, our fallen graphics gladiator a fond farewell and hope to see him again in GGT 8.


Note: Even if eliminated, it's a good idea to have a piece made in case one of those moving forward needs to leave the tournament for RL/personal reasons.

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