And the winners of the Grand Graphics Tournament 7 are... *drumroll*...
receives 600fsp for 1st place!
receives 400fsp for 2nd place!
receives 200fsp for 2nd place!
Runner Ups: Recieve 20 fsp each
4th place: ghetoghost
5th place: jsustin212
6th place MindyN5
Honorable mentions:
7th place: zeder
8th place: clock96
9th place: ArtistGorn (Resigned from GGT due to RL)
10th place: jzaz (Resigned from GGT due to RL)
11th place: treefrog88 (Missed deadline/Distracted by RL)
12th place: aa0007 (Unknown)
13th place: Roan
14th place: AttorraRu
*NOTE: The Gold, Silver, and Bronze are the medals for the GGT7 and can be worn as signatures. I hope Chag, Beany, and Pat will wear them with pride.