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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 16 2015 22:29

#901445 Old Avatar stuck in arena matches...( help)

Posted by Crzy on 17 November 2014 - 01:27

lol Unintended hilarious picture of the right side avatar looking horrified at your avatar.

#898023 What's really important in Fallen Sword

Posted by Crzy on 05 November 2014 - 06:38

The thing that always kept me coming back early on was trying to grow so I could unlock new buffs and better gear. At the time Doubler was new so that was the goal and 200 levels was reachable, even though the last 50 levels were challenging if you couldn't afford Cu Sith(150 fsp for a set back then was quite a bit). Then came Shield Imp and the very challenging Xindy...both were awesome changes because Xind had huge maps with little to no mobs. Most stam was spent just walking trying to find some mobs and that made it challenging so when you finally got out you felt a good accomplishment and relief haha.


Doing those while trying to grow a small and new guild was very fun for me. The friends I made had me coming back daily, even if stam wasn't maxed.


Nowadays we have 2000+ levels and no new buffs after 1600...If I were new and barely starting, I would see that and think to myself "why should I bother?". Now we can just go to the buff market at level 1 and buy anything we need so there's no reason to strive to get better. Need gear? Well join an established guild and they will most likely have everything crafted and forged so that leveling is a breeze. I've had new players join our guild and after chatting with them they told me the game was boring early on because Emissaries and other lvl25 gear made them overpowered. It got to a point where they said they would level without tagged gear and only go in with common gear they find on hunts to make it more challenging.


Ultimately I think those are the major factors for why new players quit early on. No real motivation to keep going and gear/buffs making the game way too easy. Xind isn't even much of a challenge because of high AM and LF pots.

#893488 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

Posted by Crzy on 10 October 2014 - 00:51

When this gets implemented can we get a free skill reset so we can remove PVP oriented buffs? I personally don't see a need for Erosion, Shame, Honor, Fist Fight, or Sealed(gvg a little) anymore because people won't bother to buy buffs to protect themselves from PVPers while hunting. You could argue they have use for Bounty Defense but honestly, how many levelers will even bother to bounty anymore with no XP Loss?


Using them for GVG doesn't even have much value until the rewards get revamped.

#892802 FINAL SOLUTION for BOTH parties

Posted by Crzy on 04 October 2014 - 23:22

the main point why xp loss had to be removed was because of bullying and the victims had no way to escape as long as there was xp loss, this system gives them an escape chance and solves the bullying issue


Didn't read the rest of the thread but this part of the OP kind of stuck me as odd...I will simply point to the PVP Protect and XP Lock upgrades to counter your statement of there being no way around bullying.


There's no reason to change the current system that's worked for so long just because a few don't want to pay. If we went with this idea you'd essentially be giving EVERY leveler a free Opt-Out button. Which if I recall correctly, the Devs said will NEVER happen because this was a PVP game. Levelers would all choose the Soft XP option, where they have no XP loss and the PVP XP doesn't matter to them which is the same as a free Opt-out button. There will seriously be no reason to have Protect XP in the game if this goes through.


If anything, PVP needs to have the ranges opened up a little more so people can hit larger ranges in this dwindling player base. Maybe a thief buff added that gives them more gold gained from the hit at the cost of lower XP Loss to the victim.

#889867 PvP XP / XP through PvP

Posted by Crzy on 16 September 2014 - 13:29

Definitely gives a reason for people bored at EOC to dabble in PVP with little to no consequence. On the rewards aspect, if the rewards aren't bound then you can possibly have friends/allies trading hits like the old GVG system. I know people like to make profit for their efforts but if the market can be manipulated right out the gate, then why bother?


Maybe have the PVP XP hits have 0 range restrictions. So level 60s can take on people at EOC in stam gear. If the rewards are bound anyway. I know one of the major buzz kills of GVG is the fact that it can be hard finding guilds with enough people in range of you, and I'm sure there are PVP ranges that have this same problem.


Perhaps the rewards can be those listed buffs that never made it into the game but are still on the AH search menus. :P Bound potions to get everyone interested in using them.

#883629 3 Freebies and gift for Gheto

Posted by Crzy on 04 August 2014 - 06:48









Couldn't decide which color scheme to go with so two versions lol. Personally like the second one more but uploaded both in case your taste is different.

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#883223 Open letter to the Cows

Posted by Crzy on 01 August 2014 - 09:20

It would be cool if we had class selections that opened or closed the skill trees. Then New Game+ could be implemented at 2500, people could try new classes(and hopefully new buffs) that weren't in the first round of content. I've always liked that about RPGs and it would be a welcomed addition because different classes and races might make the game tougher or easier.


Official jobs/roles where you get exp based on how much you use that aspect and the more rewards/enhancements you gain from experience. Potion makers get rewarded with higher success rates and lowered components needed. Farmers get higher drop rates with a new enhancement named Scavenger or something. Composers get shorter brewing times and more exp. PVPers get higher thievery rates and chances to negate the dreaded 2% miss and Piercing Strike. GVGers could get stam saved from battles and an increased GVG target range. Arena masters could get lowered fees and bonus rewards. Titan hunters could get a lightfoot enhancement and increased stats against titans.


Gives incentive for people to try other aspects or to specialize in a certain one. More ways for lower levels to gain FSP if they choose to specialize in one aspect(similar to plant farmers now).


Never coded a game before but I don't think it would be hard to do something like this. Composing EXP formulas could probably be used as the basis then just tie in the EXP earned to new enhancements that can only grow through experience and not buffs.

#875076 FSH - Ban, or Not ?

Posted by Crzy on 23 June 2014 - 23:07

Didn't HCS have a poll about which FSH features we wanted implemented the most? In my book they should just implement the major features and ban any/all scripts. Even if the community would be ungrateful because the additions are things we've grown accustomed to, it would be worth it. Anything that stops cheating, multis, scripting, auto-joining/buffing, whatever is OK in my eyes.


I was just having a chat with someone where we both shook our heads about the fact that cheaters prosper more in this game than the honest players. :/

#872634 YouTube Banner Paying 110 Fsp or equivalent in any other HCS game! Intere...

Posted by Crzy on 10 June 2014 - 22:30



Tried making it the max size but it was coming in over 2MB so I had to shrink it. It shouldn't matter though because I was reading up on the resolution and the max size is mainly for TV Youtube viewing.


BTW Youtube has a minimum limit as well: The photo you uploaded is too small! It must be at least 2048 pixels wide and 1152 pixels tall.


Good thing I tested it on my own channel first lol.

#863912 Avatar Contest: 50 fsp in prizes!

Posted by Crzy on 20 April 2014 - 01:48






Probably not good but an entry no less.

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#860076 My Suggestions for reviving the Bounty Board (And this is quite radical)

Posted by Crzy on 04 April 2014 - 08:58

I think when he says ladder he really means top rated list? Is there an enhancement or buff to allow master thief over 100%? I know the thieves shrine guild structure allows thievery to go over 100% but I don't recall master thief getting one. Could be a new structure or 2000 buff. Sleight of hand or sticky fingers could be the name lol

#859595 Possible Smasher Medal Changes

Posted by Crzy on 03 April 2014 - 05:45

I have to ask, is that medal really worth the potential loss of levelers in the game? All I can see happening is random hits that people will see as harassment when the PVPer comes back every 24hr tick. I know HCS catered to the levelers when everyone cried and sent in tickets during the medals' release. But one has to wonder if angering the major player base is worth changing the medal back.


I'm sure that played a big role in HCS changing the medal so fast anyway.


I honestly never seen what the PVPers found so enticing with hitting levelers in epic gear. What challenge is there to beat up on people that don't hit back or bother to buff/gear up? Wasn't this why the PVP Ladder was invented in the first place? To give people the challenge of fighting like-minded players that DO gear/buff up.


EDIT: I know this sounds anti-PVP but it's honestly how I see it. I'm all for reviving PVP if it means more players come back or keep playing the game. I just don't want to see an update that kills the small 500 daily playerbase we have now.

#858495 Zombie Yeoman Global Event

Posted by Crzy on 29 March 2014 - 03:10

Thanks for the event HCS.


I agree with keeping it a surprise.


Hopefully, "thanks" for not extending the time.


And just "hoping" that we don't even get near Ruby.... like seriously... I'd consider paying FSP to set the Community back a few thousand. Oddly enough, I believe that's the only way to get the FS Community into the Community spirit ,oP


Those that think this idea is ridiculous... don't waste your time responding.


Prosperous smacking FS!


Really glad others feel this way because it's how I've been feeling lately. It's discouraging seeing so many people over 400 that only do the minimum hits. People won't even bother doing more if there's no incentive for top 100 which is lame as can be.


Doing 25k+ each round and always hunting as much as I can is starting to look less attractive when people are getting the same reward for minimal work. With that said, I will continue hitting as much as I can because it IS a community event.


EDIT: I personally want to thank those that continue to pour all their stam into these events. Especially those doing 50k+. If I had the stam I'd be right up there with you.

#847228 Proposed Chest Potions.

Posted by Crzy on 07 February 2014 - 21:59

Would it be possible to add a new buff similar to Quest Finder but with Chests? It could turn the map background Red to alert that a chest is somewhere on this map. Players would still have to walk around the entire map to find it, but at least this way people can find them as they walk from realm to realm.


I can't help but wonder how many chests people have walked by because they used the Auto-Walk feature on the new map to go from staircase to staircase. If the buff is a low enough level, you probably don't even need to increase the spawn rates.

#843496 Diamond Tier Global Medal..

Posted by Crzy on 24 January 2014 - 03:48

They could even be something as simple as killing pre-existing creatures that way no new monsters need to be made. I would love an event that makes me go kill Rats on the mountain path(assuming all the other monsters stopped spawning for a period) because it would also double toward the guild Exterminator achievement. That could also bring in more guild achievements that require x amount of creature kills.


The rewards could even be something simple like Ruby tier gives 100-200k towards the guild achievement if your guild combined to reach x number of kills. Should stop players/guilds from doing the bare minimum required to unlock Ruby tier and stopping. +100 Max stam(50 fsp worth) for Ruby could be an alternative since everyone loves more stam.

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