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Set active bag

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Posted 31 March 2015 - 14:32

It would be great while questing/crafting/gathering to be able to set the active bag in which items you gather will stored.


For example - I have my sacks in bag slot #1, my quest items in bag slot #3 my gems in #2 and #5 etc.

But if I bulk fuse some gems they will go into my initial back pack (or the first available slot).


It would be great if I could set back slot #5 as my active bag and any gems I fuse would auto populate the correct one without me needing to completely reorder everything over and over and over and over .... 



#2 Bigfoot



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Posted 31 March 2015 - 15:42

Yah, I think Runescape had something like that on their game.

If you need me, I'll be hiding in the forest. ;)

#3 hidulphus



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 08:22

100% agreed

#4 Anameisaname



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 17:47

And give us bigger sacks, i don't care how much space they take just give 200 or 400 space sacks :D 


Make them craftable from cash shop sacks or something, it's quite a pain to regulate these small sacks, is it just me? xD

#5 Bigfoot



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 17:53

No, they should make the bags and sacks smaller to make the game more difficult. ;)

If you need me, I'll be hiding in the forest. ;)

#6 ShadowBane



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 18:07

+1 for the op idea

#7 Falbal



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 18:31

Yah, I think Runescape had something like that on their game.


Runescape only has a lousy 32 slots, and no additional bags or anything (other than familiars, which are a pain to use).


One thing I would like to have is that additional items we gather or craft are put into the sack that already contains some of the same item. If you have a sack in your main inventory that is not filled, then what you gather/craft is put into that sack, but if your half-filled sack is in a bag, then the items do not go into that one, they go into the main inventory. It would be nice if filling up sacks had priority over putting items in the main inventory.

Edited by Falbal, 01 April 2015 - 18:32.

#8 Soumeisa


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 22:51

In the same vein, I like FIFO.  First In, First Out.  What is with items being used in crafting, being selected in random order?  And from one bag to another.  I'm constantly having to rearrange resources and items as things are being crafted just so some of the bigger items will fit into the bags.  My main inventory has a bunch of sacks just so the items I harvest or change out from being smuggled get filled. 

It may be part OCD or whatever, but I like to be organized and set bags or portions of my inventory for specific purposes.  You wouldn't know that from looking at my desk, but my game inventory and computer files are very neatly arranged.

The game system should first search the entire inventory for an appropriate stack, input the components there and, if there is no space, then they go to the very first inventory slot.  If they get moved to another bag, the system should then follow that stack to finish filling it up.

I appreciate that the resources in the open inventory and bags, not a sack, are used first.  That opens up the inventory for use.  Then, when all of those are used up, the resources in the sacks are used up. 

#9 Soumeisa


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Posted 04 April 2015 - 05:07

Let me add that I also split stacks so that they fill up my bags when I'm harvesting or changing out smuggled goods.  This way my inventory doesn't get filled and, when I have a small space for whatever reason, the change-out doesn't fail.

This also allows me to determine how many full stacks/sacks I need for when I'm working on my tradeskills.  When working on getting those materials, having them go into the stacks/sacks "randomly", I have to search to see which one is being filled.  If it were FIFO, then it'd be much easier to determine where I'm at in my harvesting.

#10 Soumeisa


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Posted 04 April 2015 - 05:13

Runescape only has a lousy 32 slots, and no additional bags or anything (other than familiars, which are a pain to use).


One thing I would like to have is that additional items we gather or craft are put into the sack that already contains some of the same item. If you have a sack in your main inventory that is not filled, then what you gather/craft is put into that sack, but if your half-filled sack is in a bag, then the items do not go into that one, they go into the main inventory. It would be nice if filling up sacks had priority over putting items in the main inventory.


What Bigfoot was probably referencing was the Bank inventory.  You can set up various tabs which show the first item in each tab.  I have mine set up much like it was described by JQuan.  In it, you can put various items into that tab and when you want to put it into the bank, you can have them auto-stacked into that tab. 

The first tab shows everything.  But you can select the individual tabs, which makes it much easier to determine what you have and where.

#11 Blissy



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Posted 04 April 2015 - 07:01

+1 to the idea.

Slow but steady wins the race or something like that.

I'm just taking it slow, not sure about the steady.

*Pre-Steam release Player*

*Joined Spring of 2014 *




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