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Member Since 17 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2014 14:45

Posts I've Made

In Topic: De-leveling Change Poll

09 December 2013 - 23:36

I don't see why this is an issue and why it's called an exploit..
I find it rather misplaced an issue.
I v seen lots of people overflowing of stam waiting for new content to come out.... That's an issue..
All the rest is just whining..
The Xp bonus from being able to level on higher level creatures, is a nessesary encouragement for people to go back and pass the same realms 2 - 3 times before new content is out... The suggested measure will just discourage that leading to more wasted stam.. That may be ok by the Cows but not the players...
Also, the suggested measure will do nothing to reduce the, sometimes, huge gap between players or guilds..those who buy fsp will always do better than those who don't.. Guilds with higher level players will always compete better than those with lower level players..
The suggested measure is not crucial.... I just voted No....

In Topic: Backpack Improvements

06 November 2013 - 19:10

Can you guys sort out some programming so it becomes possible to move stuff between folders on ipad?....

In Topic: FSH key components

31 July 2013 - 11:32

I would also like to see the relic ''fetch stats'' option integrated in to FS..  it doesnt seem to be working properly most of the times on FSH.. 

In Topic: Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

09 June 2013 - 07:55

I voted NO cause its not the players fault content is not released in time for them to enjoy.. And altough a few people at EOC choose to delelvel themselves to avoid waitting with their stam overflowing for weeks, most of the people dont but stay there full of stam unable to level ..  ..  the game is already stalling quite a lot with decreased activity.. lets not make it worst..  Instead i would look for ways to give people the opportunity to burn their stam..  unless HCS believes that cramming (if not trapping) people to EOC is good management..  :)


Actually I m changing my vote to YES only for realising that out of this some guilds are able to gain a super XP boost..  I dont care so much how fast a player can regain their lost levels..  the problem of people crammed at EOC is valid and feeds inactivity... adding a restriction is just a patch far away from touching the core of the problem..  

In Topic: GvG and New Players.

31 May 2013 - 21:35

I dont think levels have much to do with it..  

I would think of a tutorial when you start (like in so many other games) to guide you through asking you to do certain things like a conflict,  an arena, a pvp hit  could be intriguing to the new player..  I would even prize the small introductory achievements with a small number of fsp to give the oportunity to the player to feel how it is to upgrade something,  buy a slot, increase max stam etc.. 

it could be that while in their tutorial period players get some basic protection from pvp/gvg hits ..  

Not sure if this is feasible though..  

All I know is it took me 1+ year, 200 badly leveled levels and joining a higher level guild to understand the basics..  :)

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