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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 22:25

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Ultimate Fallen Sword Guide Updated!

23 June 2024 - 00:56

Grim advised earlier that the item count will no longer be displayed

In Topic: Ultimate Fallen Sword Guide Updated!

17 June 2024 - 22:54

You cannot identify what the Johari Shard is used for thru the Guide

In Topic: Ultimate Fallen Sword Guide Updated!

20 February 2024 - 19:45

Thanks for seeing to this matter.


Is the removal of information regarding the number of an item in game purposful or accidental? 

In Topic: Proposed RP Packs.

29 January 2024 - 14:34

Your words are not incorrect. A VERY small number of players gave feedback, which the administrators accepted. I just wonder if 10 players are a sufficiently broad representation of the full number of players of the game.

In Topic: Proposed RP Packs.

29 January 2024 - 13:32

Do what you think is right, and I have no control on the expenditure of my guild RP, but be careful about pricing packs out of reach. Recently you redid the Loyalty potions, and I haven't bought one of the new ones due to obscene prices. What is the use of making packs if they aren't used? 

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