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Member Since 30 May 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 15 2015 11:14

#902538 Development Update 19th November 2014

Posted by Cooler89 on 20 November 2014 - 10:05


4) I certainly agree that the pvp ladder needs to be changed, scraped, or replaced but there are several of us who have 'dominated' the ladders and completely removing our tokens seems a bit unfair. I have over 1400 tokens saved up, waiting for some new gear to invent that players will actually buy again. Some compensation should be given as its cost players, including myself, alot of time, experience,  and FSPs to earn tokens just to have them deleted. My original suggestion was to make pvp token gear crystalline so there would be a reason to collect more tokens and make more gear with them because the gear is getting used and broken. Probably too late for this idea now but I'm sure you see my point in rewarding players who have done well at the current ladder.




2) Ladder tokens - allow them to be used in new tournaments rewards - Its taken many players a huge amount of effort and commitment to earn them


+1 to both of them




and it's taken just as many players NO effort whatsoever getting them due to zero activity on ladders and points being awarded or 1-hit agreements between players to earn tokens.


The new ladder replacement is right to start with a clean slate - new system, new rewards, new prizes


The old tokens have no place there


I don't know how your PvP band worked, but I had always to fight hard to get my (bronze!! didn't manage to get silver neither) medal and tokens!

I agree that we all have to be on the same start line with the new PvP system, but it seems a bit unfair to make the old tokens useless. I personally stored them because we were promised new items to buy with, and now I have to use them to buy devalued items? As I said, it seems unfair.... :)

#902329 Development Update 19th November 2014

Posted by Cooler89 on 19 November 2014 - 21:23

. So what with removing PvP Ladder ... Is dominance Medal being removed as well?

And what about PvP tokens? Am I going to lose what i stored?

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