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Member Since 11 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2019 06:31

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Caves and Creatures!

19 October 2014 - 00:20

The simple answer here is there is never any demand for the items (legendary) that are in the caves. we all want to drop 100 fsp worth of gold and get 500 fsp back. there are not enough people playing the game to make hunting legendaries in the caves worth while. If fallen sword is to have a real future the devs need to take a keen look at the bare mechanics of the game. the issues we have with the caves are from low activity in this game, there just is no market for 200 new sets of these armors. when we broke the 1k level cap this game has had too much content for too few players. at what point do we make the game harder to level and more content filled for the levels we have. were going to be seeing people level 2500 soon and I at less than 600 am well in the top 5000 of total players. so consider how many people dont need these two level 900+ sets.. the market does not exist for what is coming in to the game. this game is headed straight for the edge of a cliff. I think FS is a great game and have always loved it (especially in the last few years) but the main problem always stays the same. too many levels too few players. heck they should carbon copy this game call it fallen axe but make level harder each time you level up.. the progression would be slower, we would see alot of use out of every item, when you do buy a new set you actually use it for more than two weeks, and the economy would reflect the usefulness of the items that come in to the game ( these are great gears just the same problem of no one to use them). just my thoughts not interested in arguing :D 

In Topic: Oidhche Shamhna Legendaries!

31 October 2013 - 14:35

People have been asking for the Spines EVEN though they knew the Halloween event was on the way. So they were released. It's all a matter of the player choosing which parts of the various events to partake in.


We will not be handing out Reserve Stamina, no.


I have removed some bickering, trolling posts. Do not make me do so again please.

I had no idea content was begging based if you begged enough ;)... 


really its a case of the rich getting richer.. you give them a cool event. they beg and plead for the other half now so they can make alot of money faster.. I wont dare complain about it.. there is just a pattern of where certain things come from and I think they generally favor the people who yell the loudest.. every... freaking... time... 


love the constant events this month tho :D

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