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Member Since 03 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active May 08 2015 06:35

Posts I've Made

In Topic: First impressions and feedback from a new player.

10 October 2014 - 13:20

While the game was in maintenance I added some more points to my feedback at "ADDED 2014-Oct-10" section in the first post.

In Topic: An optional "ping" noise when you receive a whisper

10 October 2014 - 13:02

As a newbie I don't get much whispers but I agree this would be a nice addition.

In Topic: First impressions and feedback from a new player.

09 October 2014 - 20:48

Yea Pen - that's why I have always played with the sound off. Welcome Eorn, and hope you enjoy the game as much as the rest of us. The community is pretty helpful if you ever run into any issues. 

Thank you :)  Indeed, the community is helpful and polite unlike some other games I tried.

In Topic: Mouse sensitivity decreased after Patch 1.2

09 October 2014 - 12:03

Framerate was fine. It happened in Eldevin Barracks and only till I left the area (I had left my character there before the patch). After a while I returned back to check but it was fine. I guess it was a temporary issue and when the game loaded the next area, it was gone. If it ever happens again, I will report.

In Topic: Mouse sensitivity decreased after Patch 1.2

09 October 2014 - 11:44

UPDATE: Strangely, the issue was gone when I entered another zone which did a loading and now the mouse sensitivity is like it was before.

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