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Member Since 04 Aug 2015
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2015 21:40

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Extra bar space [or two] for spells

28 August 2015 - 02:49

Agreed.. Sheyla.. when did you play Lineage II? did you play the actual NCsoft version.. or were you on a private server?? just curious, i LOVE Lineage II.. i still think nothing compares to it when it first came out.. but thats just me... i remember when Cruma Tower was the highest / hardest place you could go :P wayyy back when

In Topic: Bad, missleading and wrong tooltips, talents, buffs etc.

27 August 2015 - 02:54

erm.. since NerdyNeko and redsmokeboy did the hardest part.. found the bugs... you think y'all could fix them ?? no?

In Topic: Game Crashes out of the blue

24 August 2015 - 16:52

Hey guys,

Ned - Once i reset the client it usually works :)

Irradiated - I didn't know about the log file, next time it happens ill post the log... thank you

Spirit - I am usually on East when it happens, but the server list shows None of the servers are available 

In Topic: "Sell" items option missing from vendors in Nidaros

23 August 2015 - 19:32

hmmm.. i do all my farming / tailoring in Nidaros and i always sell my items to the tailoring vender... there's a sell option?

In Topic: World Boss Revamp

23 August 2015 - 17:59

I don't even go for the world boss because i am still low level, but having it where everyone that attacks it gets a chest sounds like a great idea, because of the vanity set / other possible items that would get people trading... the percentages might need tweaked some.. (i have no idea) but i like the overall idea.. and it doesn't seem like it would be to hard to throw it into an update? ( again i have no idea ) :)

*edit* it posted twice.

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