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Member Since 07 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 19 2018 01:29

#968168 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by smileynirv on 05 September 2016 - 19:26

im not 

#967894 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by smileynirv on 01 September 2016 - 21:59

ok so there are quests worth doing. no need to attack me for asking. ill wait for a quest worth doing while others are doing them. does that seem fair? im here everyday 

#965476 Daily Events

Posted by smileynirv on 07 July 2016 - 01:30

I like this idea but I would like to see choices in the rewards. 4-5 separate but equal rewards. I might want frags while another player might want gold or upgrades.

#961961 New Arena Potions Added!

Posted by smileynirv on 07 April 2016 - 23:41

Will help the FS Market ALOT...suddenly be a demand for way more variety of gear...People would be using different pots/buffs...Think it is a win win in that regard. Its also only a 15% advantage? wanna take the easy way out simply dont use it.

not only that, it will open up reasons for the cows to make new LEs that give obscure gear that no one knows if it will work or not. a guide for such a thing will be years in the making so only the most dedicated will take the time. I LOVE IT!!!

#961161 GvG injustice and problems?

Posted by smileynirv on 23 March 2016 - 15:19

i haven't gvged in years so i consider myself neutral. how is it not fair? your guild can attack other guilds the same way they attack you. i don't see any problems. :(

#961160 where have all the shards gone?

Posted by smileynirv on 23 March 2016 - 15:10

thanks for the reply BG :) 

#960969 where have all the shards gone?

Posted by smileynirv on 20 March 2016 - 13:20

ive been holding off discussing this topic here until ive talked to enough players to confirm its effecting many. where have all the shard videos gone? its been over a month since ive seen a single one. 

i used to log in and go straight to "earn points" but that regimen has faded :(

i here from a lot of players saying i was lucky to get them at all in my country, other than that who else is having this issue?

#946382 Potion/Buffs Duration

Posted by smileynirv on 23 August 2015 - 13:34

i love this idea  but it should only work on buffs you buff yourself. that way 20 guildies wont waste their buffs on someone asking for hunting buffs. 

#946278 Time-limited Items

Posted by smileynirv on 22 August 2015 - 10:14

sure but why not use it as a gold sink and have it so that the items can be recharged with gold? like a reverse sacrifice? hunting gear needs gold in order to keep functioning and offline gear drains your gold or bank? 

#946057 BUFF MARKET +

Posted by smileynirv on 21 August 2015 - 00:23

thank you hoof. you are the best :D 

#945793 BUFF MARKET +

Posted by smileynirv on 20 August 2015 - 01:42


I thought they fixed this bug. Sad if they haven't.

You've said on more than one occasion that you only level during double xp events. The rest of the year, you just trade your stamina for gold without having to do anything. But having to reset your buff packages back up to 100 is too much trouble? I guess if all you want to do is sit on "suto [sic] reload" and let the gold roll in...  :rolleyes:


you can blast me all you want cy....i give affordable buffs to players that need them. what have you done for the community lately? 

#945771 BUFF MARKET +

Posted by smileynirv on 20 August 2015 - 00:48

250 works for me :) thanks hoof!!!!!!! :))))))))

#945546 Why Can't I Control My Prestige?

Posted by smileynirv on 19 August 2015 - 04:49

a prestige level choice would be nice. players leveling before an event could use a little bit and hoarders would not have to use all of it at once. common sense actually. 

#944349 PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

Posted by smileynirv on 11 August 2015 - 00:54

Bate and switch with the medals in the middle of an event ! SERIOUS! 
Many of us have dropped major stam, FSP, frags,arena tokens in other words GAME CURRENCY,,,, and to obtain what ... A medal that may no longer exist?? 
You put a game in front of us to play and we play it. But you put a goal in front of us to reach ,than say you may strip it away .. in the middle of an event?
I have to laugh at the joke you made of me and anyone trying to be the best at anything in this game! 
I am expecting reserve stam, FSP, frags, 6+ levels,  guild mates stam who buffed me returned to them, potions and arena tokens that I feel I was duped into spending, and thus wasted, on a worthless event returned to me as well as an apology for providing us this one off effing sink!!!!!! 
Thats all this has been is one big joke of  a sink! 
Wanted to add ..
..and Im fine with reverting back to the old system .. not fine with what has transpired as what I see as a one off SINK!

i didn't even participate and i lost levels. everyone was hurt by this back and forth shenanigans.

#936209 PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

Posted by smileynirv on 17 June 2015 - 20:48


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