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Member Since 09 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 06 2014 05:07

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In Topic: Buff Marketplace

02 January 2014 - 18:47

This game had gotten so easy, you're just about a fool for being killed for not paying attention.


I have no problem with making buffs easier to find but again this takes away from the challenge of the game?  Don't we have potions for just about every buff that is out there?  And with distil it increases it's level.  The potion bazaar was a great problem solver to finding some needed potions.


Gold go automatically to your bank? That's stupid. If you sell on the auction house something while offline your gold goes on your character.  Yes people have the opportunity to hit you and steal your gold.  That's a risk you have to take.  Even in real life, if you open a store, one day it will probably get robbed. 


Sell buffs while offline?  I think that's dumb too.  I mean you put stuff in the AH or Marketplace and sell it offline, you're not physically having to do anything.  Kinda hard for you to "cast spells" while you're offline and asleep in your bed.  Even with it being automatic, that's fine but you're still online when it's done.


To the goof ball selling buffs for 5k each to "help other players and not for profit;"  that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of in my life.  IF you'd work on your own player at your low level instead of selling buffs so cheap and useless you could raise your level. Many of us have paid real money to upgrade our character.  We've paid to increase or stamina gain per hour, xp gain per hour and our max stamina to increase the level of our players.  To sell level 175 buffs for 5k each is buying a used car for a $1000 bucks and letting your friends borrow it for free and you still pay for the gas, tires and oil.  Use your head for more than a hat rack.


I'm wondering when they're going to make this game so easy that they have a live chat button that anyone can go to at any time and you'll be able to video conference with them and ask questions such as "what gear and buffs do I need to wear to kill a rat?"  I mean, we're almost there aren't we?  We might as well have someone hold our hand as we hit the kill monster or pvp key.  This game is getting so easy it's no wonder that people have stopped playing and "donating" to the game as they call it.  When its not really donating.  


COWS !!!!!!!!  Yall started a great game!! I can only imagine how profitable it use to be!!  But you don't win by starting a football game great the first half of the game!  You have to continue to the end or the fans will leave and that's what's happening!! NOTHING is a challenge!! You change the game cause new players who don't last long cry and want their way.  Come on now.  Let's get this game back great again!! We went without PVP protection for how long and did great?  We did without this buff finder crap for how long and nobody complained?  Get your heads out of the grass and let's turn this game back around.

In Topic: Game Update v1.37

20 December 2013 - 15:15

With all the powerful buffs and already being able to one hit, this "improvement" only makes the game easier.  Where is the challenge?  Hunting is a piece of cake.  PVP is messed up.  Titan hunting is not exciting like it use to be.  GvG, we won't even go there.   What else is gonna make the game so easy nobody enjoys it anymore?

In Topic: De-leveling Change Poll

09 December 2013 - 21:31

Everyone has the opportunity to delevel themselves in the current game. It's not an exploit as a few (loud) players have suggested.

The Bounty Board hasn't been as active in years as it is now. It's actually bringing a lot of new players to try the BB out.


In fact, the top guild would be able to be overtaken by another guild if they releveled many players. A little competition never hurt anyone.



I agree with dulcharn.  The BB is more active than I've seen it in a loooong time. 


People are taking bounties to get their bounty medal without the relatiation of a counter bounty by players looking to be deleveled.


New people are playing the bounty board where they weren't before.


I say leave it alone myself.  I see nothing wrong with it.  Why mess it up because a few lower level people are crying over it?  When they get to EOC, they will probably be deleveled also.


Just like HCS, we find something fun in the game, HCS has to take it out.  It's very depressing

In Topic: Good Idea maybe ? maybe not ?

15 March 2013 - 00:58

Sounded good to me but not everyone else. Sorry yall

In Topic: MUGGER'S MEDAL POLL/PVP check Gold Stealing medal thread

12 January 2013 - 23:48

Here's to your leg. :D Nice one mate.



;) ;) ;)

I have three left legs. haha One spare and two I switch out.

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