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Calling All Fragment Farmers (and Buyers)

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#1 WWWolf

  • United States of America

Posted 02 December 2015 - 16:32

As composing seems to be growing in popularity, it seems to me that many new to the buying and selling of items to be fragmented have no real idea how much to charge or pay.  The truth of this is there is no 1 right answer as there are a lot of factors:

  1. How many BP spaces does the buyer have?  Some sellers prefer to only sell to players with at least ## availabe spaces as it is more of a hassle and takes longer if you are constantly waiting for the buyer to fragment the items before you can send more.
  2. What Level are the items?  An item level 101 - 400 is worth 2 fragments but an item level 901 - 1600 is worth 4 so it only takes 1/2 the number of spaces for the same ammount of frags making it much easier on both buyer and seller.  Of course, convenience can equate to value so higher level items may warrant slightly higher prices.
  3. How friendly was the buyer/seller?  Aside from prices, if the interaction was unpleasant, they are not likely to do business again any time soon.  Personally, I will gladly pay a higher price when dealing with friends than just some random person - this generally works both ways.
  4. How do you want the transaction to occur?  Depending on how easy the transaction is on the buyer or seller may also determine pricing.
  5. Who is online when you are ready to buy/sell items? None of the rest of the factors (including price) really matter much if there is no one else online to deal with.

There may be other factors but I think these are the main ones.  Obviously, price is not everything.


That said, there is no real good way to find players to buy or sell your frags which is the main reason I am making this post.


If you are a fragment farmer and would like to reach out to sell your items, please leave a reply - you can list your prices and restrictions here or direct players to your bio as prices may change from time to time.  Even if you prefer to be messaged for a quote based on the above (or other) factors, please let us know.  Don't worry if you don't have the best rate or if you are only starting out - there is plenty demand and you are sure to find a buyer.


If you buy fragments a certain way and/or have a set rate you prefer to pay, here is a good place to let the farmers know how to find you.

#2 WWWolf

  • United States of America

Posted 02 December 2015 - 17:15

I will go ahead and start this out...


I occasionally buy Common items ONLY (please do not contact me for any others).  I do not have a set rate though I typically like to pay less than 2500 gold (over 80 per FSP) depending on the situation.  I typically try to keep at least 50 BP Spaces open at all times.

Please message me to work out any details before sending items.

#3 ironlegs



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Posted 03 December 2015 - 17:24

I will also add my 2 cents this is a great start to a very needed topic which i hope will soon be adding some useful hunting tips and farming locations for best drop rates to help the farmers get the best bang for their stam buck so to speak.With that said,


I also buy common frag items from the auction house at less than 3k per frag and will often buy everything at 2.5 or lower per frag . My composing level is now 49 and will need more common items to make it to lvl 60. I also have 200 backpack slots open

for items at most times, and always when i am online .  Thanks WWWolf this is a great idea .

#4 ironlegs



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Posted 03 December 2015 - 17:41

Common Frag Farming Areas and Drop Rates ( if known ) :


Dark Coast: (lvl 931) to Barnacle Bandit (Cargo Hold) (lvl 931) Slave Shade - Amulet of Charel- 7.5% drop rate (This is a dark realm) next is (Gunnery Deck)(lvl 931) Ship rat - Rune of Trealdi  - 7.5% drop rate

#5 Halfdemon1


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 16:00

I have 260 BP and around 40K max stamina. I'll farm commons, rare, unique, legendary, crystal, and SE. My price is based on demand of the items at the moment. I tend to farm either 3 or 4 frag items.

#6 vikingv



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Posted 01 January 2016 - 07:56

I buy Common items.


I have 30 backpack spaces open at the moment.


I will pay 3000/fragment.

#7 WhoToldYouSo


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Posted 03 January 2016 - 00:20

I'm farming Commons and Uniqes on request - send me a PM and let's figure out a decent price.

#8 Egami



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Posted 11 January 2016 - 01:19

In the interest of full disclosure, Wolf and I are allies. That relationship began (but was not based upon) the fact that we met precisely because he wanted to buy commons and I sold them. He asked me some questions before starting this thread and I gave my input and expressed my personal reservations. I liked the post itself simply because I think it is right on. All the comments for me are key.


Now, I’ve been sell-side for over two years, but this is what I might add (purposely kept light on details):




By that I’m talking loosely about the section on how the transaction should occur and then of course this might end up going hand-in-hand in the “friendly” portion. This might seem like overkill to a large number of people, but I don’t think a reminder is a bad idea. Remember that a Secure Trade is the only way to guarantee your investment. This goes out to buyers and sellers. Please remember that there are scammers out there. Act accordingly.




There are various factors involved here and Wolf has made several comments throughout the original post in regards to the general idea. But to put it down “in ink”:


I believe it’s extremely important for a seller to know the “availability” of their buyer. Being on the sell-side for so long, it’s really difficult for me to know how to give advice on that. But obviously, a seller needs to make sure that it’s cost-effective for them to engage in a farming session for a buyer.


It seems more important to me personally for the buyer to know their seller’s availability. How often do they go? How much can they supply? 



Anyway, great post Wolf. I hope my input here (finally, lol) is worth something. 

#9 Tastria



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Posted 11 January 2016 - 18:13

  I'm sort of a small scale farmer, not real serious about it, but I do end up with a BP full at the end of a hunt, and sometimes much earlier.

   I was sticking them up on the AH, for 5k each, and found I was getting bought out by the same player every time.

   In short, we had a bit of conversation, and when I hunt I now send them to him, and get bags of gold back by return mail.


    I mention this to show one way to start farming.  It all depends on your stamina level, and your BP size, but I don't know anyone who wouldn't mind a few thousand extra gold at the end of a hunt.


    Just as an aside, I'm a confirmed drinker, so all my profit goes into liquid refreshment from the AH :P  

#10 Egami



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Posted 25 January 2016 - 16:38

I've farmed common frags for over two years. Check my bio for "current" prices and the idea. Pm me for details.

#11 Egami



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Posted 01 February 2016 - 20:08

In line with the topic, I recently had a player tell me that they would only buy from me. 


I actually suggested that it wasn't the greatest of ideas. Offers do come up that are better than my prices. 


My advice, keep an eye out. It's really not so different as most things in game. Take advantage when you can. 

#12 WWWolf

  • United States of America

Posted 02 February 2016 - 21:35

In line with the topic, I recently had a player tell me that they would only buy from me. 


I actually suggested that it wasn't the greatest of ideas. Offers do come up that are better than my prices. 


My advice, keep an eye out. It's really not so different as most things in game. Take advantage when you can. 

As you stated in an earlier post (#8 in this thread) sometimes price is not the most important factor.


When I buy fragments I will often go with sellers I have dealt with in the past (Egami included - almost exclusively lol) who I have grown to trust and are easy to deal with.  Of course, some times it's hard to pass up a great price and maybe get to know somebody new.


It's like picking between 2 hamburger joints next door to each other where 1 has slightly lower prices but rude and slow wait staff and there is essentially no difference in quality.  Sometimes you may go with the cheaper one and deal with the staff but sometimes you may prefer to have the more pleasant dining experience for slightly more.



*  I'm not saying I have come across any rude frag farmers - it was just an analogy.

*  I am also not trying to influence you to buy from any particular seller.  There are many great sellers out there who I would love to see gain new business from this thread. I was just trying to explain why a buyer might decide to buy exclusively from a particular seller.

#13 Ingnums1


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Posted 08 March 2016 - 17:38

I am farming common items. I'm only 224 level. Got 17 BP slots if thats nessecery to know.


5k for each item.

#14 lin11999


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Posted 01 April 2016 - 20:50

Im able to farm  common fragments (3 frags per item), but only taking request of 50 fsp or higher. currently taking offers~

#15 Lucadon


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Posted 09 April 2016 - 06:24

I farm unique frags( 50 per FSP ) and LE frags( 30 per FSP )

#16 Egami



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Posted 23 April 2016 - 19:12

I already blew through my chest rewards on the last GE where I made top 100... sooo...


Going tomorrow. Check my bio for prices and pm me if interested.

#17 NerdyNeko



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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:40

I had quite long break and common frags were selling like 40frags/1fps if I remember right. Whats about current price and do people need common ones most or is there other type that has high demand? :)

#18 Egami



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Posted 06 May 2016 - 00:14

@Nerdy... there's really no "set" price. 


I can't remember what I originally sold for, but that might sound right. I do remember that I drastically cut prices, mostly to push everyone else out of the game, but also because I met a lot of great people that deserved it, lmao.


I'm currently selling 80 frags for 1 FSP and really don't plan on changing. 


As is discussed in this thread, there is a lot to take into account. 


Just tonight, I saw an offer for 120 frags per FSP. 


I really just laughed, but I did insist before that there "could" be opportunities. 

#19 Terrordog


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Posted 05 June 2016 - 11:48

with the pro's in this post what is the best way to start a frag hunting business 

#20 yotwehc



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Posted 05 June 2016 - 21:02

with the pro's in this post what is the best way to start a frag hunting business 

In my experience (as a once prolific but tightwad buyer), the sellers would contact me after I made purchases of their items in the AH. At that point, we would discuss how to proceed. Most times, they would fill my BP and I would send payment but each buyer-seller relationship is different.

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