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Member Since 04 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2014 07:37

#843073 More than one 'pinned' quest

Posted by Amir on 22 January 2014 - 16:43

Currently you can only have one quest 'pinned' (excuse me for possible wrong terminology). Which means you can only have one purple objective indicator on the map. 


I think it would be a big improvement to the game if it would be possible to 'pin' more than one quest, especially if you're doing quests that are meant for a certain area, for example; a tomb or the sewers. 


I don't think there is much more to be added, that's about it. It would be cool to see what other people could add to this.



#841725 Hiscores

Posted by Amir on 17 January 2014 - 09:57

I don't think it's a priority at the moment since they have other things to do before adding in a hiscores. I'm sure that they'll do it soon though so we'll just have to wait.

I'm not sure if it doesn't have much prio. If it doesn't, and they DO want to add it - it should have a decently high priority. The entertainment and gameplay value will go up in general. Simply, there will a core group of players that will play the game pureply focussed around gaining ranks in a 'high-score' system. It'll have a big impact on the game. Only for the better - if you don't care about ranks, you don't have to care, if you do, then there is one. Perfect, right?




Also; please call it a 'ranking-system' - I know it's the same. But high-score makes me think of pacman.

#839277 Need an optional setting for item inspection

Posted by Amir on 10 January 2014 - 12:34

I would prefer to not have my gear seen that is why I wear vanity gear and as for my talent tree I definately don't want anyone seeing my setup there I like keeping how my talents are placed private I chose each and every talent point placement carefully I read what each one did and chose where to put them letting someone see where I put my talent points doesn't make them have to read and choose for themselves it allows them to be mindless drones I found it fun trying to figure out what worked for me in beta so please give me a way to keep my talents private and my gear private if I choose to after all what is the sense of vanity if not to hide my gear

Why would a random person copy your spec and your gear build unless they know how the game works and the realize you've done it really well. Which would be a good thing and a compliment towards you. Next to that, the way you have your item build up synergized with your talents should not be easily achievable for everyone, right? Not end-game at least. If you have to work hard to get a certain build or item then some 'mindless drone' will have to do just the same. I don't get the attitude of people replying to this topic wanting to keep everything about their character private. You guys do realize you're playing an MMORPG, yes? Let's keep it that way. That's the way MMO's work, you play together, learn together, and share together. It's not like you're playing a single-player game in a chat room with fancy animations.


Not just attacking you by the way, Jeff. But thought I would continue my rant in the same reply.

#838569 Fishing bait mechanic improvement

Posted by Amir on 08 January 2014 - 17:54

The current way bait works is you have to manually right click on the school, click use bait, and then manually add the bait there. It only lasts for 1 minute and while farming it can be quite annoying to manually do that every time (I especially note that for possible future farming). Now, if in any case I'm wrong about this mechanic, just tell me straight.


My idea would be to either make it so you can choose a default bait that is in your inventory and every time you fish and the timer runs out and it refreshes automatically. Or you change the whole way bait works and instead it works in a way so that it has charges instead of it working on time. For example, you use one [Maggots] you gain 10 charges to fish with the 20% yield bonus. Both of these changes will probably need a lot of programming, but then on the bright side, these kind of mechanic changes can also be used in other ways.


If anyone, anywhere, agrees with me you should probably put this on your 0 priority list, but its still worth noting. 


PS: Go go Eldevin @ Steam Greenlight!

-EDIT- PS 2: I just realized I started playing an MMORPG that officially released 1 month ago made by indie devs and the first thing I talk about on the forums is how I don't like the way you use bait while fishing. Well, hello everyone, my name is Amir.


- Amir

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