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Member Since 16 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2015 09:44

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Next Week's Update

27 November 2015 - 09:46

We want instant level 60 event !




24 Hours - without raising the cost of instant finish !!!



In Topic: New GvG Epic Recipes Released!

25 September 2015 - 15:43

Low level players have a vast range of Epics with stam gain and generally do not have a huge amount of Stam. Higher level player DO tend to have huge stam banks, which takes longer to fill. Furthermore, there are no where near as many high level Epics as there are low level. Thusly, these help everyone. Higher level Guild members will not use the Guild Epics that are of more use to the lower level players in the Guild.


Not even mentioning that GvG is rather tyhe LOWER level players - and these new epics will encourage them continue their GvG !!! :D

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