Hello, These are 2 of my suggestions that came across my mind. I definitely won't be surprised if these get denied because they're minor suggestions and not a big priority to the game. Also leave your thoughts below, negative or positive it doesn't matter. Don't be afraid of what you think, I won't get offended..
1. Weapon Rotation
Okay so. I've highlighted in green boxes were you got to imagine my bank / inventory was completely full. At the moment it's not, but just so you wouldn't get confused I've marked them in green. And there is no more space except these 2-3 boxes up there but only items like the Apples or 1 Box Objects fit in there. But by right-clicking a weapon you can make it rotate so it will fit perfectly in those boxes allowing you to store more in your inventory / bank.
Now I'd doubt this will get accepted, as it is probably mean't to be like this. But I decided to speak my mind about it and obviously not be afraid of getting this denied. Hopefully not, but we'll see.
2. Quick Depositing / Withdrawing
Okay well this is the second suggestion that came into my mind, and for quite some time now too. It's quite annoying for me, and my friend. I don't know about the rest of you Eldevians though! But I just hate it when you have you single drag every object out the bank to your inventory or vice-versa. I've tried to deposit apples but instead my character sat down and ate one of them, even though he wasn't hungry, poor bastard. So what this suggestion is that every time you want to deposit an item and you don't want to take forever. Simply holding CTRL + Clicking will fix it. This works with selling items but not with the bank. Now please don't get mad at me if this already exist. I pressed every button on my keyboard and so far nothing happens.
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Weapon Rotating & Quick Deposit / Withdraw
26 January 2014 - 18:48