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"The Gothadors Of Our Lives" The Soap To End All

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#101 gothador_sabrinarayn

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Posted 27 April 2005 - 03:00

It was too early to drink but she was already buzzed. She looked about the room she entered close to the back of the 3 story building. The plaque above the grand entrance simply said Alien Royalty. Deep within the room was a large glass chamber that glowed beneath apropriate lighting. She was very tempted to just head straight back and view it's contents, but she had patience. The room was filled with historical parchments written in blood. The history of the Zenix lied within. It spoke of their rise to greatness and charted out their royal families histories with each new display. It also taught of their dimis and their near extinction. It was a sad tale. It made her think of her familiy and how it's line is near extinction. It now only relies on her. Only her. Rayne pushed those thoughts out of her mind as she noticed where she now was. Deep within this grand display of royal artifacts was a jewel encrusted egg. It was atop a special stand. The plaqard stated it was a fairy dragon egg created for the Princess Andule as an engagement gift by her bow and prince, Ezril. Ezril was heir to the throne apparently. Scanning the perfection that was this eggs craftmanship a smile danced across her lips. This was it! She knew it as soon as she laid her eyes upon it. Without thinking about what she was doing she grabbed her flask and took a sip. She began scoping the area, taking note of every entrance and exit. She was done, and about time! She left the museum, turning the corner and quickly rechecking the back entrance. It was already late in the day and she was starving. Needing a place that was dark enough for her to make notes and not be noticed she instinctivly headed towards MadHatters. Maybe she could make a few contacts. She knew no one in town yet and it would be good and important for her to see who was or wasnt in charge.

#102 DocSooty



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Posted 27 April 2005 - 22:58

The street lights were dull tonight. Hell, I was drunk and laying on the road looking up, of course my senses were dulled.

And dulled they were. I hadn't been looking where I was walking hence the reason my face collided with the pavement. I didn't need it, I didn't care. I was labelled. Labelled as the man who used pizza as a breast implant...

It had been another hellish day in this damn hellish town. A day full of idiots scrapping pennies together so their women folk could look 'fuller'.

How I hated them.

Bitterness kept me going. Bitterness and the want for revenge on whoever planted that pizza. I was careless not to notice the pizza slab within her breast as I stitched her up. My stomach rumbled. I should've realised. I hope she's suffering now after the world of hurt she brought me. Tied to a chair and being beaten to a bloody mass of flesh wasn't my idea of a good time. She was someone important and now she will pay.

The price is gonna be high.

Stand up.

Walk home.

Sober up.

Sort myself out.

Plan for the inevitable.

-The Surgeon

#103 poobumrun

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Posted 28 April 2005 - 22:44

Leaving from Roses grand manor he heads towards the address that had been finely printed on the piece of paper. Noticing the address was at the end of a dark alley, he cautiously began his trek down the seemingly never ending alley.

Not hearing the people behind him, he is brutally attacked, and dies. Sadly this large man will never be found for his body is left in a nearby dumpster, not even moments after his death, the garbage man comes and empties the trash into his truck.

This is the end of the opportunistic youth, never to be seen or heard from again...

#104 gothador_persephone

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Posted 29 May 2005 - 17:41

Persephone sat in shock, watching the tape that had just been slid through her mailbox. She felt her heart contract and her breath caught in her throat. Too hurt even for tears and too stunned to turn off the disgusting images before her, she could only watch in horror as the man she had loved for all this time writhed in another woman's arms. And not just any woman. Musicaltigers blond hair and green eyes dominated the screen for a moment and Persephone felt her gorge rising.

She felt a scream rising in her throat and her vision blurred for a moment. Tears of rage and pain stung her eyes and began to stream down her cheeks. She understood now what all of those 'meetings' had been about that had kept Mideon at the club after hours so many nights. "God I am the worlds biggest fool", she thought to herself.

Resolve began to harden her heart and her green eyes flashed with the sudden, overwhelming desire for vengeance. Mideon would NOT get away with this. He would pay and pay dearly. "God, I'd be willing to bet that little urchin isn't even his daughter! He probably told me that to keep me from finding out about them too!"

Persephone pulled herself together and splashed a bit of water on her face before throwing on some clothes and heading out to the Madhatters to see if she could find the man she needed. This had to be done one way or another. She just hoped the man was up to the job...

#105 gothador_maximus

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Posted 17 October 2005 - 00:22

The Mayor looked up and noticed that the TV only had "fuzz" on it. Realizing that he had dozed off, he silently wondered how the show he had been watching had ended! :shock:

#106 dyscord



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Posted 17 May 2008 - 22:25

Aaaaaaand...another super awesome blast from the past. Even Doc got in on it!

Geek for life...yo

#107 lasciel



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Posted 17 May 2008 - 23:46

omg this is the one where insat shot um...omg who was it that he shot in the face because she joined in uninvited? :lol: was it jhadiaarcana?

#108 insatiable



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Posted 03 July 2008 - 07:52

omg this is the one where insat shot um...omg who was it that he shot in the face because she joined in uninvited? :lol: was it jhadiaarcana?

nah, i blew the back of her head off and burned her slowly dying body along with her office after i robbed it...

good times, good times....

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