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Member Since 04 Aug 2015
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2015 21:40

#946170 Shoutout to the Hunted Cow Team

Posted by Buck88 on 21 August 2015 - 15:47

Eyyyy Cow's, 

Just wanted to give an honest shoutout to you guys.. I know that your developmental team is small, not sure if its true but I've been told there's only 6 of you guys??.. I know that a lot of people [removed] for suggestions to be done, and I've even asked for a few myself.. and people complain that stuff has been half-done, and where are guilds at?? and blah blah blah... your always going to have people giving suggestions, and people complaining that stuff isn't done.. 

I just wanted to let you guys know.. if your team only consists of 6 people ( even if it was only 40 people that's still small ) .. you gentleman/women are doing a hell of job. Eldevin is a fantastic game... and the depth of the quests, and the content in the game... is awesome. yes it has a lot of work to be done yet.. but the game that y'all have put together is amazing. and its understandable that peoples suggestions that are implemented into the game / the updates that you guys decide on your own take time.. sometimes more time then is expected... 

I just feel that people are constantly talking [removed] on the development team.. well, not really talking [removed].. but saying how it takes y'all forever to do anything.. and things that were suggested are never added into the updates.. etc etc..  and noone ever tell's yall how kick ass this game is... and y'all have done a hell of a job, and keep it up because the games just gonna get better from here... so i wanted to make a post saying ... this game is kick ass and y'all have done a hell of a job, and keep it up!! :) lol... and in-light of that...as soon as my girl gets home with the card, im going to buy a month of supporter, and buy a few dollars worth of EP also.. to show you guys some support.. ( Not because i want to level my tailoring faster and get more sacks i swear )  :P


P.S yeah maybe i was ass-kissing a little bit here... :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  i just honestly never see any posts telling y'all how good of a job you do, and we as a community appreciate it...

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