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#858311 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by datman67 on 28 March 2014 - 02:17

Oh for the love of.....  Leave the BB alone. You've killed PvP.  Your donators are safe so long as they don't go out looking for trouble. If you want what is left of the pvp ranks gone this will accomplish it. 

I believe that this is the main issue in the game that needs to be fixed. First I liked to start by saying that a lot of changes to the game that the Team has come up with like composing, events,  more appearing titan activity, and sub-leveling without having to come out with too many new levels has been a great thing for the game and its revival. Pvp is the one and only part of the game that is not only an issue for older players but newer players alike, and the only drawback to resurrecting new blood to the game. It needs to be punished a lot less as players have mentioned and I suggested earlier in post 216.

#858217 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by datman67 on 27 March 2014 - 19:46

I know this is coming from a pure leveler, but as I have more pvp friends than leveling ones I think we really need to fix pvp as is what a lot players like to do when gaming and why we have had some recent losses to log ins. I believe the biggest draw back to pvp is to why a player that did one 100 stam hit can have 5 levels taken in the first place. I think that the best solution to this is if a player takes 10 million XP from a player with a 100 stamina hit then they should only be able to lose triple that in return so 30 million XP, if you were placed on the bounty board by the player that was hit. Would also suggest that if a player is hit during the time frame that he has to place a bounty after the hit, that the player may opt instead to 100 stam back the player that 100 stammed them and then their ability to bounty the person that originally hit them would go away, and at the same time the player that originally hit them first could not bounty them for returning the hit.

#825492 Exploiting XP to boost guild

Posted by datman67 on 05 December 2013 - 05:39

You make a great point as always rebornjedi, however here is the thing is yes you take out that exploit in a pay to support the game and one can still exploit any aspect of the game with enough money to throw around as is the same in the game of life. For example take one of the richer guilds in real money talk if it was stuck at EOC and nothing new came out and an up and coming guild was to try and catch up, they could just smash them left and right to keep them from catching up as they can afford to get all those levels back and start the same thing all over again. Another example they could use all that money they couldn't spend on levels to instead drive the market prices and auctions so high that only they could afford the epic potions which would leave no option but to spend $60 to get one. Final example is if I had won the mega millions and could throw 36k a year away at the game to ensure that I could have the highest amount of pvp kills, gold, etc. But where would the fun be in that as would just discourage everyone from trying. Gaining levels is my favorite aspect of the game though is not shared by all as everyone has different aspects of the game and I personally have been looking forward to de-leveling and re-leveling just to say I lost and gained 3000 levels in one year, although at the rate that bilops is going he would beat me to it. lol

#825458 Exploiting XP to boost guild

Posted by datman67 on 05 December 2013 - 03:50

So you are calling it an exploit are you. There are two types of games online ones that cost a subscription price for all to play. Now for most, yes it sucks that you are forced to pay to have fun, but these games end up being fair for all for the most part. The second type of game is free to all to play, however to find supporters to keep the game active you need paying players. This being said by no means does this mean the top guilds are the only major paying players as there are great pvp players out there that have done the same also. The whole reason that the de-leveling/re-leveling came to be in the first place was due to lack of content or as called in game EOC. That lack of content was what killed Sigma Storm as it left nothing for the paying players to do so they quit playing and paying and boom there are only around 3 players playing that game at anytime you look on the site. So unless the team was to be able to satisfy the game levels wise like making 75 new levels a month so the paying players will still pay. This game too will die off as the same thing will happen over again. Of course now you are going to say 75 levels a month as I can't do that either. Well there is always subscription games!

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