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#977016 Fallensword's Future Paralleled with Eldevins?

Posted by NOOSE on 22 February 2017 - 00:41

While waiting on Stam Regen, as any normal person I checked my accounts on SS2 and Eldevin just to see what is new and different. I was greeted in eldevin with a total of 73 people online, and in Sigmastorm, only 2, myself being one of course. The thing that concerns me is that both games were released post Fallensword and received a well reception with Fallensword players. Now we all understand SS2 failed due to lack of attention and it's off the wall setting, play style, and player interactions, or perhaps simply the community just wasn't "into" it.



Eldevin, the latest and greatest from our friends in the pasture, utilizing all available technology such as the 3d play style, open world, and quite simply everything else that makes "similar games" so....popular/successful. Perhaps not a failure, but simply just not blossomed yet. This game has actually received less content than fallensword, and rightfully so.


Simply stated, with the constant distractions of the mobile games development for HCS, the massive amount of content development for both SS2 and Eldevin that are currently ongoing, there is hardly and time left to work on fallensword. (which to this date still has more active players & "Subscribers" than the rest of the HCS games combined) We do not "need" a new game with the changing of each season.


We, as a community, could fill a hard drive with ideas and fixes for the game, and we are not asking for 800 levels of content each year. But we have our needs! Their is a vast array of things marked "in progress" within the game, and the same rewards and challenges players have faced since joining. Fallensword has what no other game does, and it's the reason it is so hard for players to leave, there is just no other game like it; it's style, community, grinding, EXPERIENCE, and support of devs.


Please Hoof/Grim; put a team on our game to develop it and it's content, don't let this continue with the two of you working on content for an hour, twice a week, when you meet in a coffee shop. It's what is necessary for new players to join, and thus players to pay for points, which keeps you in business!


PS...FS has 340 online at the moment. Don't waste time looking at your quarterly P&L statement, the numbers and trends on your website should tell you which is the money maker.

#971063 Oidhche Shamhna V

Posted by Skullman307 on 29 October 2016 - 16:28

According to this: http://wiki.fallensw...hp/Global_Quest


FS topped 75 million based on the estimates.


Do you think it should be "easy"?


I don't think getting the best for nothing should be the norm. I'm against upping the min kills. 


I've always thought that a real "community" would get together to face a challenge. It's been years since I've seen that.


I def agree, if you're right that they reduced the last one to 50 million AND it was because it was "impossible" (which I doubt), that they shouldn't have done that.


All that said, I don't think you deciding to do nothing for the community is the "wrong way" to go. 


What I would like to see is Community effort. Has that been present in the last couple of years? I don't really think so.

Try scrolling down the page, and looking for the specific event in question one in a while. It might help. From looking at the chart which YOU provided the link to, we only pulled 41.5m kills last year (which was still pretty good considering all the new seasonal titans that everybody was hunting) which only got us silver tier.


No, and I never said it should be, but HCS should've learned from last year that 75m was (and still is) unrealistic.


I'm starting to think you weren't around at this time last year because if you were than you would know first hand that they in fact did reduce the number of kills needed to unlock ruby tier from 75m to 50m.


Stop trying to pull words out of my mouth. I never said I wasn't going to participate in the GE, and in fact I've already done my hunt. I participate in ALL GE's other than the ones that give out frags because I don't compose.


Are you smoking something, or is your memory just that bad? In the last Zombie Yeoman, Shadow Bunny, Darksun Reborn, and Gargantuan Mosquito events we absolutely obliterated the ruby tier goal. We got well over double the amount of kills needed on a couple of them, close to triple on one, and more than triple on another one. Community effort hasn't been present? Yeah okay, you can think that all you want, but you couldn't be more wrong.

#970789 Why some DQ should be reviewed?

Posted by Egami on 25 October 2016 - 20:11

Would you please explain the rationale behind these two similar quests?



I think this one should.


[ Rare ]
Defeat 450 Champion creatures: Gain +25 Max Stamina


[ Legendary ]

Defeat 225 Champion Creatures : Gain +610 Reserve Stamina


Shouldn't a Legendary quest be more difficult? I'm not attempting to quantify the reward, I'm merely addressing the disparity between a more difficult rare quest than a Legendary one. Am I the only one who sees it?


@lou, I agree with you to a degree on this one on a personal level


TO SAVE TIRED EYE(S)... you can skip down to "Avoid Egami Diatribe" at the bottom.


That said, however, it's an interesting debate and I can see how it's totally character based.


The rewards are NOT the same. Reserve stam seems to be the tasty reward, but hear me out:


610 "reserve" stam for 225 creatures and eventually the prize is gone.


25 max stam NEVER disappears. 


On a base calc, we're looking at the "need" for that max stam, in its entirety, to be used 24.4 times. If we just use the base creature kills, we could "assume" 48.8 times for the exact same stam usage.


Again, for me, not so great based on my personal preference.


But for newer players with little max stam that come on and have overflowed (be that due to time or because they've embarked on stam gain), sounds great to me. Even if they played every day, the reward would be worthwhile within just two months.


Beyond that, realize that those same players will also "eventually" have access to that same Reserve Stam reward.


In that light, I'm not so sure which of the two rewards deserves which classification.


I can only guess that the Reserve Stam one is in Legendary because you can't get reserve stam anywhere else (crosses fingers that we don't need to get any for the regular reasons, lol).




So, to directly respond to your question, I don't think the DQs are classified on difficulty but on a combination of difficulty and reward.

#970680 Why some DQ should be reviewed?

Posted by BigGrim on 21 October 2016 - 14:51

Bear in mind, your buffs like Light Foot will work with Titan hunting. As for Titan availability, there's almost always something out there and these are also designed to encourage you to level up.


Can we review them? Sure. Tweaks have been made. Tweaks will continue to be made. However, I suggest everyone keeps their comments constructive and keeps comments like "It's useless/worthless!" out of the discussion. Some of the rewards might not be something YOU might want but others DO find the rewards useful. 


~ Grim

#970220 Game Update v2.92

Posted by Hoofmaster on 13 October 2016 - 18:05

Hi all,
We've just further improved Daily Quests by adding 2 new quest types, quest rarity (Common, Rare & Legendary) and several new rewards. Enjoy! :)
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#970227 Game Update v2.91

Posted by BigGrim on 13 October 2016 - 18:16

The Loyalty Reward will be staying.

#970219 Game Update v2.91

Posted by Pythia on 13 October 2016 - 17:22

Grim, could you please talk it over with Hoof and see if he would find it acceptable to take 75% of the tokens from those that do not find them useful  and send them to me.  :P


I could then afford to open all the chests I run across (even those costing 1000 tokens) and they would find them useful again as they build up their personal stock. :)


Pretty please?

#970141 Game Update v2.91

Posted by BigGrim on 12 October 2016 - 18:18

Nope. As Egami quite rightly points out, Loyalty Tokens are perfectly useful to some players.

#970124 Game Update v2.91

Posted by Hoofmaster on 12 October 2016 - 16:37

Hi all,
We've just re-balanced the current Daily Quest rewards in preparation for tomorrow's update which will add some new Daily Quest types and rewards.
Note that we have removed gold as a Daily Quest reward as we feel there are better rewards that could be used for it, such as gaining additional inventory (backpack) slots!
Important: The rewards for your CURRENT daily quest will not have changed - the updated rewards will only take effect when you receive your next Daily Quest.
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#970201 Game Update v2.91

Posted by BigGrim on 13 October 2016 - 12:46

Allegiance tokens are the worst rewards.


For you. Not for everyone.

#970168 Game Update v2.91

Posted by rowbeth on 12 October 2016 - 23:08

Sorry but useful for what exactly? We get 5 a day for simply logging in...




Unitl I levelled far enough in composing, I was constantly buying loaytly AL180 and DBLR 1200 for my hunts. I still maintain that they are two very useful loyalty potions. I would have had to have enough stam to hunt just once per month for the 5 tokens per day to supply those hunts (perhaps every 2-3 weeks given the GE pots provide high level versions of these too). I think I played for 7 years before I was able to hunt once a fortnight.


It is important to remember that *many* in the game do not live within well developed guilds that are full of high level players.

#968958 bounty system busted?

Posted by KitiaraLi on 16 September 2016 - 09:33

Actually it would make more sense, if you were not able to post the one bounty at all, seeing as all that player did was dishing out the punishment you were entitled to.
After all, you did do something to get posted on the bounty board, correct? How the bounty hunter decides to perform on your bounty, is nothing you can control - and hence, is nothing you should be able to "punish" either.


Only time a bounty hunter should be able to get posted is during war times.. and I cannot recall when we last had a good old war... mmmmm.. so many bounties to smack, so many levels to take.. and lose... yeessss, good times :wub:

(gawd I am old)

#968961 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Mister Doom on 16 September 2016 - 10:47

*Highly rude personal attack*


You seem to have a selective memory with regards to the blood thread...

People's posts were getting removed because they were inflammatory, flame baiting or just plain rude. There were lots of posts that remained that disagreed with the proposal.

It just so happens, apparently, that some people cannot behave in a civil manner when they discuss pvp, instead believing that bullying tactics are fine to be used in the forum as well as the game.

#968933 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Gutie on 15 September 2016 - 22:48

Kind of uncalled for to call my old concept a 'disgrace'. I put an immense amount of thought into that concept.

It was also based around the idea that xp loss was going to be scrapped. (to be clear, the idea to scrap xp loss came before the 'Blood' concept was formed)



It's ridiculous this forum, it truly is. Leos is putting forward an idea for an implementation of a pvp global, to fit in with the rotation of the other global events. Some people though...  "We must have consequences!" (would kill the event) "We must have no opt-out!" (would kill the event) "I must have your first born child and all your base are belong to us!" (lol)


You must realise that an idea such as this would be the only viable way to 'do' a pvp global.

The simple fact of the matter is, there is a LOT more people that do not like pvp (the current attacker=win system that FS has anyway) than there is that do.

That's because some people HAVE to have control over punishing players they don't like. The ENTIRE rationale these people have for keeping the status quo is so they can pile on and punitively punish people they either don't like or simply because they get some sick enjoyment out of wailing on offline players who have no recourse to fight back aside from hitting back, which in turn, again, after offline and the buffs run out, will again get piled on by the same people who have the ability to be on 24 hours a day. THAT is why they hated seasons Because it took the control out of their hands, and didn't let them selectively bounty people. System posted bounties would do wonders for the game and PvP. I've said it before, and will say again, Seasons based PvP is something a lot of people who don't PvP would participate in based on that very reason.

#968749 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by Mister Doom on 13 September 2016 - 17:41

None of the quests are impossible.


They are if it asks you to kill x no of mounted creatures when you are nowhere near the level required.


These quests need to be conditioned to take into account what you can/can't currently do, and where you can/can't currently reach. I would have been monumentally aggravated if I had been given a DQ that would essentially require me to almost double my level.


Then again I get annoyed when I see a pvp DQ, I also get annoyed when adverts come on the telly every 5 minutes, the biscuit breaks when I dunk or when I can hear people outside...

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