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Member Since 20 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 16 2015 14:05

Topics I've Started

Cant play

22 July 2014 - 12:10

Whenever i try to log in to the game it keeps asking me to install java. uninstalled and re-installed several times now plus downgraded it, also check to see if it is unblock on firewall and java is activated in chrome so don't see why its not working. 


Also client gets to 40% and just stops downloading completely.


Any other ideas ?

Ready button

02 August 2013 - 18:21

I think it could be a good idea to add a option for the leader of a group to make sure everyone is ready. 


This can be done maybe like a box appears on the screen saying ready or not ready, and depending on what the person picks a green tick or a  red cross appears,  next to the their name in the group to indicate they status. 


This will make grouping more organised and easier, so one person doesn't just go running in :P, its a simple suggestion but i think it could be useful 


Would like to hear what you guys think cheers, 


Mighty Peanut 

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