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Member Since 18 Mar 2013
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#733622 Forge gears useless ?

Posted by parashuram on 09 May 2012 - 04:06

Damn, my mind went crazy seeing that tournament and its explanation. That definitely needs to be fixed. No objections.

For me.. even though I do win a lot in the level areas I enter.. but I'd say the 5% stays as it is. Shin, I think you're exaggerating a little bit on 1%. I mean yea I'll go totally insane if I have a match like something in ur first post... but lets not make that lead to ranting about 5% variance. Like you said... "Same players still win with best setups.. variance wont give noobs with weak setup any luck to win." You're an amazing arena player yourself and you know that well. If they have the luck to beat you it'll be once in a blue moon. If someone beats you often then you know they're actually doing well instead of just luck. 5% variance should be nothing much for us... Forged gears would definitely beat unforged ones even with 5% variance. But if some crazy variance keeps happening like in ur first post (which is obviously more than just 5%) then it definitely needs some fixing.

Don't forget too that after 50 wins people can't join novice arenas anymore then they're forced to play with us. We've been through our beginner stages way before too and some people are going through it right now. I'd say lets be kind a give them some room instead of shutting them off ;)

you dont understand..the arena masters do not want any more newer players...they want to use their guildmates and huge advantage they have in knowing how arena works to win any and all arenas...make varience less than 5% and you chase away all newer players after a month or 2...nobody but nobody is going to enter 100 arenas and never win and keep trying...that is not going to happen..i win 2 out of 100 and i am barely wanting to play anymore..all changes ( fatigue, variance, 16 players tourneys) all geared to keep the lesser player from having a chance..chase all the lesser players out..and you will have the same 100 players at all levels battleling it out..it will get that way in about 1 month..the slowdown is already happening... they need desperatly to change to setups for entering...make something like (commons only, unique only, rare only..or a mix of them.., so that no certain setup always wins or comes close to winning..something has to be done in arena to keep newer players...as you said ..once they leave novice section..that will be the end of any wins for the majority of those players..and they will leave arena..and probably eventually leave the game..if not for arena..i would have left this game a long time ago...no fun to have to spend 1000's of fsps or real money to just be able to be competitive..and still probably not win but 1 out of 100....16 players tourneys the worst - 15 losers, 1 winner...that will chase players out really fast.wake up hcs..and stop listening to the greedy arena masters !!!!

I'm fairly new to Arena and have spent a lot of FSPs already in trying to get gear for setups. Yes, you need gear, you need to know your moves, you need to have all that to win, and your win percentage is still roughly 10%? At the most. I'm sure everybody who plays arena will tell you that they don't have a huge win percentage. And to all those who keep saying luck plays no role in arena and that best setups win still? Are you guys serious? Weaken is all about luck. 50% chance to be successful? In any moves arena when you use weaken, you are hoping it'll be successful. Any arena between level 10 and 20 can not be won if you don't have a successful weaken. Counter-attacks at that level are used seldom. So please stop with the "luck plays no role" -- indeed you need to know the setups, you need to have the gear, you need to know what type of moves other players will be using at a specific level range --- and you need to have a dash of luck with you. For those weakens to work. For that variance to kick in. In my short sejour, I have won arenas where I was missing two pieces of gear or accidently used the wrong gear. That was all luck!

May the RNG be with you :-)

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