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Member Since 07 May 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2020 22:09

Topics I've Started

Item Breakdown DQ

05 April 2017 - 13:43

Yesterday I had a DQ to break down 300 items to get 1 AH slot.  Most of the time I wouldn't bother with such a DQ bc I'm lazy.  BUT, I was at max stam (42k+) and was planning a hunt.  So I potted up which included FI 1150 and LL 230.  After my hunt I looked at the counter and it showed 24/300, which I find very odd because I had just burned 42k+ stam.  


Before you ask, no I do not have auto discard on, and yes I have auto frag on.




I have opened a ticket for this already, but was told that the DQ does not count auto fragging; only manual fragging.  My problem with that statement is of course, why is it showing 24/300 when it doesn't count auto fragging.  I did not manually break down any items from this past hunt.


With all that being said, has anyone else ran into this issue before?

Arena wins duplicated

31 March 2017 - 16:39

A friend and I just noticed this.  Is there a reason the arena wins are in two places on a users profile?



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