I know you guys have to make $$ but c'mon 250EP is a lot for 1 respec considering you have talents and attributes and waiting 120 days to fix my character is a pain. I'd rather buy sacks with that EP :s
To be honest I don't see the reason behind putting respec on a cooldown since A) It could prevent further gameplay and most new players won't know how to build character so they'll screw up then release they have to wait 120 days so they'll probably quit.
Even if it was halved that would be a lot better cause 1 month is nothing .
and before you guys complain that I should just pay up, I am a supporter and its just professions demand space and well sacks are op
p.s Sorry about the font size its just that too me since I'm a bigger screen its looks too big.
Edited by Dan0, 15 November 2014 - 16:50.