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The Rusty Dagger [open RP for all]

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#1 fs_sexyann

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 07:57

Ann had just arrived to Krul Island. Wanting a chance to start fresh she caught the first boat leaving her small island and found her way to Krul by chance. Not knowing anyone was rough she kept to herself and found a simple job working at a tavern, Rusty Dagger. It wasn't the best of taverns nor was it the worst, better yet it was a paying job and offered her a room to stay in until she could afford a proper house of her own.

Walking into the tavern wearing a simple dress and apron with a sturdy pair of boots she looked around and saw many adventures and travelers alike all eating drinking and well, being merry. It was rather noisy but not all the tables were taken up, there also across from the bar was a stage for performers but at this moment there was no one on stage. Seeing the owner behind the bar pouring drinks, filling a tray of tankards she quickly made her way over to him. Not wanting to feel out of place on her first day she smiled and boldly looked him in the eye then said, "Where should I take these sir?"

****out of character note: all are free to join and come in for a spell, doesn't matter if you're new or experienced at roleplaying this is a fun way to start. please join me else i might stand here forever holding a tray of drinks and this thing is heavy!

#2 DarthViper



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Posted 29 January 2010 - 18:50

At the same time, Darth, sitting at a table on the other end of the room, eating his meal and talking with other travelers, looked over towards the owner and saw that the owner had a masked person with a weapon out behind him. As he had seen similar situations before in his life before in his life, he theorized that the armed person would wait for the owner to be distracted and threaten to kill him if he was not given large amounts of cash, which he would demand from an employee, generally one who seemed inexperienced, as they would be less likely to have been trained fro such an incident. Having been to the Rusty Dagger a fair bit recently, he realised that the employee who had just asked the owner a question, a female with a simple dress and sturdy boots, was one who he did not recognize, and therefore likely a new employee.

"Look out!" He shouted as he got up and pointed towards the masked stranger behind the owner. Those sitting at his table, as well as others at the tavern, noticed what he had been pointing to, and chaos seemed as if it was just about to break out.

Did you know that there are likely over 2000 rouge black holes in our galaxy alone. Each of them can reach very high speeds, even in space terms, are each capable of destroying anything in their path, and are invisible. Well, goodnight!

#3 fs_lichblader

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Posted 30 January 2010 - 02:55

Suprised the masked person unveils his cloak.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to frighten anyone. But I have been hunting in the woods lately. Damn natives have chased most of the game out of the forests. By the way I am known as Lader. I was about to ask the owner if I can room in for the night."

Glancing toward Darth, he smiles and joins him.

"Amazing, you've noticed this old thing. You have a keen eye. I have nowhere to put it so I hid it in my cloak. I've lost it's sheath several days ago while fighting the one known as Darmov."

#4 Roan



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Posted 30 January 2010 - 03:10

Lader finally got his room. After drinking and eating with the others, he felt so tired.
He decided to go up to his room.

Passing the door, he tripped on something.
Getting up, rubbing his head, he looks on what he fell.

It was the body of Roan.
He was still alive, at least.
Lader whispers to him: ''I'll be back, don't worry''

Lader runs down the steps to alert the tavern owner.

First RP!


#5 fs_lichblader

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Posted 31 January 2010 - 16:38

As Lader ran down the stairs he told the remaining people in the tavern about the incident.

Everyone rushed up the stairs to the scene, just to get a glimpse of what was happening.

#6 DarthViper



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 18:03

One of the first ones in the crowd to see what was happening was Darth. He ran as fast as he could, knocking down table and chairs on his way. He stopped and looked upon Roan's body immidiately after seeing him. The body looked familiar to him, but he did not remember from where.

Did you know that there are likely over 2000 rouge black holes in our galaxy alone. Each of them can reach very high speeds, even in space terms, are each capable of destroying anything in their path, and are invisible. Well, goodnight!

#7 Cassafras



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 19:25

Cassafras remained in the back of the crowd, waves of dark red hair falling out from under a worn black cloak. Her lips made a stiff straight line across her tanned face before crying out in a loud booming voice:

Step aside women and men! Let me see the one who has fallen!

Many in the crowd parted quickly while the few that were left were easily shoved by the tall large woman. She knelt down by Roan, whispers traveling around the patrons predicting what had happened. Cassa's silver eyes fell upon small nicks in Roan's skin. She slid her finger across one, drawing dark blood. She licked the blood off her finger tasting slowly. A metallic burning sensation came from the blood before she quickly spat it out. Cassafras stood up, the hushed voices stopping immediately. She let her eyes drift across the crowd before announcing:

He has been poisoned.

OOC: This is the first time I have seen an RP on Fallensword. I look forward to this continuing :)


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#8 fs_lichblader

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Posted 31 January 2010 - 21:10

Lader stood there in disbelief, along with most of the crowd.

"Poison?! Is there any possible way of curing this ailment? Who could've done this?"

#9 Roan



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 21:12

Roan starts moving a bit.
He turns on the side and starts spitting. A mix of blood, teeth and a green liquid came out.


#10 fs_lichblader

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Posted 31 January 2010 - 21:29

As Roan spat the green liquid, Lader noticed that it was quite familiar.

"This poison, is from an Elya Desert Snake. He must've been bitten just recently. These are just the mild symptoms. I know of a hermit who has an antidote for this poison. He does not live very far from here. I shall return as quick as possible and get the antidote."

Lader then goes outside and mounts a horse, heading north to the hermit's cave.

#11 DarthViper



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 21:41

Darth came out of the tavern looking to assist Lader, but noticed that by the time he had made it outside, Lader had disappeared. He went back inside and bought some ice for Roan. As he searched Roan for the location of the bite, he noticed where he had seen Roan before. "Hey, we used to be in a hunting clan together, that hunted in those very same deserts, didn't we?" Darth said. As Roan began nodding, Darth found the bite and applied the ice saying "This should slow the spread of the poison." The look on Roan's face however, and the fact that he retracted his leg, showed that Roan was pained by the ice. "What is it?" asked Darth.

Did you know that there are likely over 2000 rouge black holes in our galaxy alone. Each of them can reach very high speeds, even in space terms, are each capable of destroying anything in their path, and are invisible. Well, goodnight!

#12 Roan



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 21:49

Roan mumbles: ''Many things occured when our hunting clan was disbanned... Even thougth everyone left the desert, I still had the ambition of catching that Elya Desert Snake... But not the ones we were after... I heard the rumor of a giant one who was hidding somewhere... For months, i've been living in the desert...
I finally found him a few days ago and got bit... I thougth I was fine but now, I'm not so sure about it!
Because of the tempature, I am no longer able to tolerate cold.''


#13 DarthViper



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 22:01

"I always pictured you would be our big game hunter", replied Darth, unaware that the ice was melting in his own hands. "Just stay calm, you'll be fine". He then got up and truned around, seeing Cassafras and the bar owner behind him, he said to them, "get this guy some help. We have to help him hold on until the antidote arrives."

Did you know that there are likely over 2000 rouge black holes in our galaxy alone. Each of them can reach very high speeds, even in space terms, are each capable of destroying anything in their path, and are invisible. Well, goodnight!

#14 fs_lichblader

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Posted 31 January 2010 - 22:07

A galloping of hooves could be heard. Lader then comes in looking victorious with the antidote.

"Roan, here is the antidote. Drink it." Lader gasps and hands Roan the antidote. "The old hermit says its made out of various herbs and other things. Maybe be a bit better, but it'll help. I ran to a little trouble on the way back. Encountered a couple bandits, but I've managed to give them the slip."

#15 Roan



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 22:34

Roan drinks the antidote and starts fealing better...
He asks to everybody to let him alone so he can sleep a little.

When he wakes up, he got out from his room and went to see if others where still there.
He found Lader, Cassafras. Darth and the barman chating at a table.

''Lader, I think I must thank you! For saving my life, I will give you this''

Roan hands over an object wrapped into a tissue.

''It's one of the Fangs I managed to take from that snake. I heard someone saying it was called Fang of Meng Zhang. It is a very precious object and I hope you may use it well!''


#16 fs_lichblader

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Posted 31 January 2010 - 22:41

"Thank you but I am afraid I won't be able to accept this." Lader said. "I wasn't the only one who helped you. Had it not been for Darth, Cassafras, Ann, and the others, I would not have probably made it in time. But I've heard that this Fang of Meng Zhang can be used to unlock an artifact from an distant land as well as create other things as well. Perhaps we should journey to this land and share the prize? Hahahaha!"

#17 Roan



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 22:44

''You may do anything with it, it's to all of you.
I also heard it was selling for a big price. It my interest you.''


#18 Cassafras



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 22:53

Cassafras raises an eyebrow and sets her half filled beer mug carefully down. So you're saying this fang is worth a fortune and can unlock artifacts that only the gods' know what they do? She shakes her head before looking outside. Do what you want with it. But leave me out. I have seen many fall trying to earn money and power. Even if it's just over a small trinket. Good day gentlemen. She grabs her mug and and heads outside. Cassa gets on her black steed, who snorts impatiently. The woman gives a small glance back. She mutters, Hmph, no matter what they choose to do with the fang, it'll bring no good to them. With that, she kicks her horse and gallops away.


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#19 DarthViper



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 23:08

"It is a rare fang, but there are similar fangs in the area on the market. If you go beyond the desert, and on the other side of the woods, there is a very high demand for such a product. Its not a great or risky a travel as aquiring any ancient artifact, but it will surely bring in a high market price.If we go together, we should be able to make it, sell it for a price we could split and be well off, although not as much as we would if we aquired the artifact. At least, that's what I've heard." Said Darth.

Did you know that there are likely over 2000 rouge black holes in our galaxy alone. Each of them can reach very high speeds, even in space terms, are each capable of destroying anything in their path, and are invisible. Well, goodnight!

#20 fs_lichblader

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Posted 31 January 2010 - 23:47

"This artifact could be indeed a myth though, and probably not exist at all." said Lader.

Outside, a thundering noise could be heard outside.

"Hmm who could that be? Sounds like some horses again."

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