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Member Since 03 May 2017
Offline Last Active May 03 2017 08:52

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In Topic: What's a rally

03 May 2017 - 08:49

a rally makes it possible to gather many players troops into one big attack


build a situation room(reqs level 10 HQ) and also classified documents which you can get from killing black ops on the map.select a city on map,press rally and select options,send troops and the attack will launch(according to the options you selected)


a rally makes it possible to gather many players troops into one big attack


build a situation room(reqs level 10 HQ) and also classified documents which you can get from killing black ops on the map.select a city on map,press rally and select options,send troops and the attack will launch(according to the options you selected)

In Topic: What's a rally

03 May 2017 - 08:49

You are dead a rally makes it possible to gather many players troops into one big attack


build a situation room(reqs level 10 HQ) and also classified documents which you can get from killing black ops on the map.select a city on map,press rally and select options,send troops and the attack will launch(according to the options you selected)


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